I know, I know, marketing and PR guys like me are supposed to be silver-tongued and always ready with a snazzy title. Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not, but I know this - I need your help! There's no question the response to Asteroid Redirect Mission (0.23.5) was amazing and our team feels like it was the biggest update we've ever done. Now we're about to essentially take two planned updates and merge most of this content into one mega update, 0.24. It's big, folks. Really big. Ever since we launched Career Mode, this has been a major update in the making, and it deserves a name. I've got a few ideas - if you fill out the survey, which asks for some general demographic information that helps us learn more about our players, you'll see them listed. You'll also see a blank line with a chance to name it for us. I'll be honest, this isn't a contest where the name with the most votes wins - but we'll obviously take that into strong consideration. So go here: http://goo.gl/wuONr5 and let us know what you think. We want to know.