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  1. Maybe you could just copy your world saves and then paste it back after re-downloading
  2. I suggest that you just try with probes in first place, as they are much easier to launch, so you can experimentate some designs, and then go on with manned missions
  3. Well thank you guys! At least it may be an efficient way to learn how to optimize my ships, and if iit gets too embarassing, i'll just re-download the game If anyone has a solution, please post it below
  4. Hello everybody, I am quite new on KSP but I believe I am doing pretty good already, still I have a very frustrating problem: Every time I hit the spacebar to stage with a maneuver planned, the maneuver is cancelled. If anyone has a solution to offer, please let me know, it is so embarassing to deal with that when struggling to get on a transfer orbit! Thank you in advance
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