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Community Mod Repository and The Majiir Challenge
medavox replied to Majiir's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
I just wanted to make sure I wasn't working with outdated information, as it had been about a week since any posts were made. Since you've uploaded to GitHub, I want to make the documentation there the authoritative copy, and move as much of it as possible to the wiki for easier editing (the non-code sections, ie not en.php) by casual contributors. That's good news I code primarily on the desktop and mobile, in Java, Python and Android, so while I can talk the talk, as it were, I'm not so hot with walking the webdev walk. Everything you said sounds sane. If we need to re-implement later, then that's for later. As everyone said earlier, what matters now is that there IS a working implementation to deploy. Then we can go about the hard work of gathering community support. This does not sound ideal. Security through obscurity is not a good model to build a robust community service on. This is a community effort, and we need to make this project available to the community, so we can get more eyes on the code, fixing bugs etc. By all means, restrict access to critical areas -- like, I don't know, account authorisation and database access. Keep them off GitHub. But I think the majority of the site would be better off hosted somewhere everyone can see it, and help improve it directly, rather than going through an individual. It's all about that low barrier to entry for random people to help What source code management system have you been using so far? (Btw I'm sorry if I sound argumentative or anything. I just prefer to state my opinions directly, somewhat like you.) Rather than brashly argue my point on a forum, here's an article. Open Source Versus Closed Source Security I think it's fair, and doesn't just blithely back me up. Just remember about that low barrier to entry for contributors! In the meantime, I'm going to continue building up the wiki into something fairly useful (I hope). -
Majiir Mod Repo Challenge Accepted! O-Doc on Point
medavox replied to O-Doc's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
Hello! (I'm back from exams and stuff) Just wondering how this project is going? I've begun adding documentation on the GitHub wiki of this project. I think that'd be a good place to let casual contributors, well, contribute. (In other words, I'd like to sign up to help . I think it would be a good idea to host some of the regularly updated files from the documents.zip on the GitHub page. For instance, the en.php file would really benefit from this. Git itself can be hard to set up and use (especially on windows), but there's the GitHub client for Windows, which is a full featured desktop GUI: http://windows.github.com/ I use this because it's much easier than trying to remember git commands every 4 months. I haven't begun converting any of the files in documents.zip yet O-Doc; I want to check that the file linked in your first post is the most current, and that I actually have the go-ahead from you to make this wiki. Thoughts? -
Community Mod Repository and The Majiir Challenge
medavox replied to Majiir's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
Thought I'd add a second post with new info. I just looked at the GitHub wiki thing, and it's extremely satisfactory. Plus, as an added bonus, I can already edit O-Doc's ReplacePort project wiki (what with being logged in), so it has that low barrier to entry for casual contributors. In the interests of combined effort and initiative, I'm going to:- Migrate the useful info from http://medavox.github.io/ to the project wiki at http://github.com/monkey100/replaceport/wiki Start building that wiki into the central documentation repository, easily editable, that O-Doc mentioned. That we need. Rassa Farlander, this would be a great thing for you to get involved with just add any info you can find, make it more readable. The more contributors this wiki has, the better it will be, so everyone: follow the usual wiki procedure: People with subject knowledge: dump and run! (don't worry about formatting, just put what you know) Other helpful people: tidy it up, make it more readable. O-Doc, is this cool? I'm thinking of posting this in your thread too. -
Community Mod Repository and The Majiir Challenge
medavox replied to Majiir's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
I'm back. Real life happened*, but now I have some free time again. Where's everyone got up to? This thread seems to have become a little quiet. I've thought a lot about how to do this, but didn't decide on anything before my 'break'. I think now I'm going to use GitHub's repo wiki feature, which uses markdown. My aim (when I figure out how) will be to allow anyone with a GitHub account to edit documents. GitHub should provide revision control, so anything awful should be reversible anyway. Again, I would vote for a wiki, and I don't see anything lower maintenance than GitHub's wiki feature. Someone please let me know if all this is old information now, but otherwise I'm going to proceed to do some updates for http://medavox.github.io/ . Man, I namedrop GitHub a lot. *Turns out my department has coursework planned for me right until the end of term, after the exams, which is unusual... Also had my fiancee's birthday, which involved a trip to see family for a few days... You get the picture. -
Community Mod Repository and The Majiir Challenge
medavox replied to Majiir's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
My last exam (final final? I have no idea about American terminology) is on Monday (0830 UTC), so I'll be fairly quiet now until after that (~1100 UTC). So I'm glad RadGH is striding forward with a public design document. Also, O-Doc: I really like your proactive approach, unfortunately I don't know enough about any of the technologies you're using to just dive right in, without a good 20 hours learning each one first. I won't have that sort of free time to commit until mid June. However, if by any chance you need a testing platform with more control than a free host provides, then I have an old desktop (2.3GHz dual core, 2GB DDR3 RAM) running a LAMP stack, sitting behind my 10Mbps home connection. Not much, but better than nothing. If this sounds useful, let me know and I can expose some kind of access (ssh or sftp etc). -
Community Mod Repository and The Majiir Challenge
medavox replied to Majiir's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
Programmers with free time* Busy programmers do more yawning, and sighing at deadlines. Seriously though, I'm sorry I've not made more references to what you've done. Keeping track of everyone's contributions is hard on a forum thread (which is the whole reason i started the info page at http://medavox.github.io/ - which i will continue to advertise every time i post ). If you want to remind me of your work so I can put it on the page, that'd help me out. -
Community Mod Repository and The Majiir Challenge
medavox replied to Majiir's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
I'm not sure that we have enough skilled developers to spread ourselves so thinly. We have a fair amount of interest at the moment, but I would argue no-one has the time, experience and knowledge necessary to build this properly on their own. I hope I'm wrong about that, but at the moment it feels like we have lots of specific ideas for features, and few people with the resources to pull it off. People who are dismissed may also feel a little dissapointed (or even jilted) that their project didn't take off, and then abandon helping the larger group effort. "Losing" the pitch usually doesn't motivate someone to work on their rival's design. I appreciate that competition breeds excellence, and that it can be hard to collaborate at such early stages, but I think the sooner a joint effort becomes visible to casual visitors to this project, the sooner we can start accepting more help (and thereby accelerating progress). BTW, Majiir, what will happen with the server and backend stuff? will you install and manage the OS and technologies (I'm presuming Debian or similar, with node.js and MongoDB installed through the package manager)? I assume so. What about things like (S)FTP access? or just generally, access for site developers? -
Community Mod Repository and The Majiir Challenge
medavox replied to Majiir's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
That's great! what are you planning to write it in? With regards ideas, I don't know if you saw earlier in the thread but TrueBorn compiled a starting list of features (in 3 stages, starting with important stuff first) here https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=131B3D0DB2B5645E!13895&ithint=file%2c.docx I've also begun putting useful information on my GitHub Pages site here (I think I actually used the phrase 'central repository of information' ) here http://medavox.github.io . I've just given ZeroIgnite access to it as well, so it should begin to fill out, between us (and anyone else interested in assisting with design documentation). -
Community Mod Repository and The Majiir Challenge
medavox replied to Majiir's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
Wow, you're right, that IS hard to read (it's not as bad on mine, and I use a silly browser anyway), I'll change the theme. And thanks for the permission! Sorry about that - I wrote it in a bit of a rush. I'll fill it out with more information now. I welcome all collaboration, so I'll give Zeroignite access. It's very simple at the moment, just a GitHub Pages site, using their automatic generator to create the HTML. I just write markdown. HTML isn't hard, but I'm not a designer so don't have any pre-made stylesheets lying around that I'm happy with, so to avoid fuss, this was easiest to start with. Next stage up will probably be using the repository wiki feature in GitHub, but only when I work out how not to bury that inside a repo page (I want it easily accessible). -
Community Mod Repository and The Majiir Challenge
medavox replied to Majiir's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
Hello fellow newcomer! No, it's not too late to join the bandwagon. The Curse problem was only announced this wek, which is what brought me here yesterday. Lots of people are announcing their intentions to help, so I think all are welcome to join in! There is AN implementation already written in Ruby on Rails, if you want to take a look at that. Source is here https://github.com/kerbalspaceprogram . I've also just created a subredit for feature voting (that is, coming up with feature suggestions, then voting on your favourites to see what is most popular). If anyone wants to suggest features, fee free! http://www.reddit.com/r/ksport2featurevoting/ -
Community Mod Repository and The Majiir Challenge
medavox replied to Majiir's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
I think we need some kind of centralised knowledge repository we can all reference (ie a design document, and people who have offered help and what their skills are). To that end, I'm going to proceed to set up a small wiki somewhere, so that we don't have to trawl this thread to get the important facts. I'll add a list of desired features (heavily riffing off of RadGH's post), and a list of people who have offered resources, and what those resources are (time, dev skills, web hosting etc). I have 5 years experience with Java and android (and smatterings of lots of other languages including PHP, Python, C and C#), but I'm pretty greeen when it comes to web dev. Still, I'd be happy to do anything I can to help. EDIT: looks like GitHub Pages should do the trick, for now. I'll link it when it's ready. EDIT 2: I've started a summary of useful information, available to read at http://medavox.github.io/ -
Community Mod Repository and The Majiir Challenge
medavox replied to Majiir's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
This is great. I don't how many other people are tied up with exams (or finals etc) at the moment, but I fully support this decision. Like Majir said, can we just build something super-simple and design it iteratively while it gains momentum? I'm thinking a database table and a capture form (mod upload). Followed by a mod page and a search feature. Everything else could come later, surely? -
Why won't my rover wheels grip? [re-post]
medavox replied to flightmaster's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
I have a theory for the meaning of the torqueCurve values, for which I welcome community review. key = speed torqueX torqueY torqueZ So for the stated speed (in m/s), the torque the wheel can apply on each axis is specified. Most examples of I've seen 4 values per key, with the second two values being 0. (there is Here is the torqueCurve section from medWheel (the new, grippy black wheel) key = 0 100 0 0 key = 2.5 70 0 0 key = 30 0 0 0 So from stopped, these wheels can apply a lot of force (compared to roverWheel1 below), meaning they pick up to a decent speed very quickly. Once moving at 2.5m/s, this drops off slightly, then tails off gradually till there can be no further acceleration after 30m/s. This fits with observed behaviour, with the wheel reaching about 20m/s, but then accelerating slower and slower as torque drops off to nothing. Here is the torqueCurve section for roverWheel1 (the normal sized, springy, slippy wheel): key = 0 16 key = 10 9 key = 30 2 This torqueCurve definition doesn't follow the pattern of 4 values per key line, but I would guess that the missing values (allegedly torqueY and torqueZ) are implied to be zero. Note here that the torque from 0m/s is much lower, giving a rather slow pull-off speed (again fitting with observed behaviour). Torque again slowly drops off as speed increases, until it reaches a minimum of 2 torque for 30m/s and above. This theoretically means roverWheel1 has no upper speed limit; however its excess torque needed to move at greater and greater speed means it would take a VERY long time to go much faster than the observed 20m/s, which is again where I would guess is it terminal velocity to due to whatever friction or air resistance the game currently has. Feel free to discuss, correct or improve. It's just an idea, which I've not had time to test fully yet. Hope it helps, and that this isn't already old news, if I'm right.