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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. First off, I LOVE the Inventori system and modifying ships wile in orbit xD second, Is it a planned feature to be capable of fixing objects to the ground like with the KAS?, i tried fixing a ground pylon and only the KAS system worked, the KIS one just left it there for me to bump around (i kinda wanted to make some sort of light posts or antennas or solar panels and hook them to my base with some cables)
  2. Yes! It`s Magical Trevor1s Orbiting lesson! Step1: grab a spaceship and give it an alarm with Kerbal alarm clock step2: go to other ships and give them also alarms (only to those you want out of the sun~) step3: warp until an alarm button shows up, and then press the button "jump to ship" step4: voila~! here is an example, wich i have managed to repeat countless times....and som time wich i didnt quick save, regretting it and here i put magical trevor making the trick himself, but with a cow instead of 3 probes and 2 space stations (on wich i hadn`t alarms...so, i don`t know magical alarm`s clock pattern of picking magical ships)
  3. TAC Corporation proudly presents it`s current 2 Utilitary spacecraft models! Mods Used: -Mechjeb (since i`m not good at taking off/landing with precision) -Engineer (Since my Delta-V calculator of the mechjeb stopped working and not even reinstalling solves the problem ) -KSF Flag Decals (since i really like to give different flags depending on to wich planet/moon i send my ship ) SK-II Here as we see in the pictures, the ship was designed with the objetive of lowering modules to the Munar/Minmusian surface (it should theoretically work with other low graviti worlds with no atmosphere...) ...unfortunately the base modules i designed where a complete failure since i used KAS to join them...and for some reason the KAS out of the blue started to have horrible bugs in my ksp 0.21 version, so this vessel ended up as an orbitital dropship, since it can only drop objetcs on the surface, and to lift them they have to be tall enough (as mentioned, it had a KAS to make it a crane but i removed it because it bugged my entire ksp lol) In the second picture we can see the Sk-II lowering a P-I lander module to the surface. Features: -It`s launch vehicle allows it to reach Kerbin orbit with enough Delta-V to get to the Mun/Minmus, land cargo and return to a low orbit (150km for precise mechjeb landing ) -It`s internal fuel capacity has space for 10k Delta-V aprox wich combined with it`s 6 engines give it quite nice manouverability (althou the RCS ports are in not the best position and the center of mass is outside the ship ) -Reusability! it`s docking port allows it to be refueled anywhere allowing it to reach even Eeloo! -For the same reason it can be used as a lander! (attach a capsule with a ladder under it!) -Again, for the same reason, it can serve to create outposts! -More fuel than the Sk-I (not published since it`s obsolete!) -Enough lights and radioisotopic generators to allow night landing and operation Download: http://www./?5b5wyp2vlerd5vz P-I In the first picture is the P-I Launcher module, of course not the full launcher, this vehicle carries 2 P-I Probe modules and has 1 lower, and 2 top docking ports (the lower docking port allows it to carry extra engines and fuel for interplanetary travel since it`s main Delta-V is only around 8k Delta-V, wile the 2 upper docking ports give it the capability to carry dockable-parachutes to attach to the P-I landers in case of needing to land one of them on worlds with an atmosphere) In the second picture appears the P-I Lander module, to be attached to the skycrane Sk-II or, if desired landed alone with it`s included RCS thrusters and engine on low gravity worlds And in the last picture, we see the probe itself laying beside it`s battery-less lander, quite small, it carries 2 small batterys, 2 medium range antennas and a full science kit with included solar panels. Features: -it`s small size means it can be lifted by a rover (Coming soon~!) -Attach many of them together for more stability! (they are modular) -it can be used in hills to scout for a plain enough flace for a base or landing -it comes with a landing phase -it comes with a inter planetary transfer phase (extra engines and fuel not included) -it has 3 not used ports (allowing refueling and attachment of parachutes for the probes, not included but Coming soon~!) -it has terrible manouverability...(i don`t think it`s a nice feature...but might as well warn any user of this craft ) -the probe lander docking port was designed to be used by the skycrane series, so it can be usefull, in the case you want to land it alone by itself, the docking port can be ejected with the staging button -Enough lights and radioisotopic generators to allow night landing and operation (on the Transport Ship, the lander has no power source, and the probe`s power source are just 2 solar panels) Download: http://www./?o4787h9zkeh5ytc More utilitary ships coming soon! Additional important note: if anyone wants i can upload a version of theese crafts without the mods, since they are not essential, they are just cosmetical (in the case of the mechjeb, it`s critical for me since i am quite bad at manouvering , but many ppl know how to manouver so it`s not that critial relatively speaking)
  4. I have one BIG question....well, actually 2 -the release notes say "Debugging functions are now available by setting Debug = True in the settings file. Debug options will appear in the resource selector window in the scan map. The debugger part is no longer necessary (and now has no function)."...so well, where is the settings file? because i searched the Gamedata folder, kethane mod folder and found a settings.cfg...but it didn`t say "Debug = False" or anything of the sort, so should i just add that command to the settings file to get the debug console on the game? -"The colors for empty and unscanned cells are now configurable in the settings file." yet again criptic and unknown reference to a color factor on the settings file inside the mod folder...should i add another line too? or am i looking at the wrong settings file? if so, please tell me where is the settings i should change, because the settings.cfg inside the mods folder does not contain any command line defining hexagon cell coloring this is what the filke says: "ScanningSound = True ShowOverlay = True WindowLeft = 200 WindowTop = 200" what am i doing wrong? i fresh downloaded and extracted the 7.4 version on a fresh ksp 0.21 install...
  5. Thanks to everyone for oyur answers now i can think of a proper mining project, the idea of having mobile miners is quite good, so i may do a mobile base, but i do horrible dockings so i`ll stay with the idea of a tanker, probably of fuel since i didn`t knew the kethane was heavyer
  6. Well, as the title says, i want to create a mining operation wich sends the kethane to a station in orbit, the mining platform is fixed, so i was planning to mine kethane then transfer it to a transport and send it to the station...the big question is, does quamtum fuel transfer transfer kethane? is there a mod that allows me to transfer kethane from a ship to another without docking? i just dont want to have to redesign my entire mining project after i started it and found out the quantum fuel transfer is not capable of doing so...
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