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    Spacecraft Engineer

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  1. I'm on KSP 1.4.3. I removed the mod after discovering that it was the source of problems in both manned and unmanned craft: Jittery keyboard controls (pitch, yaw, roll) No joystick input Docking Mode button disabled No linear RCS control
  2. I'm having a similar problem, but in my case I can't get the kerbals of the ground-level hatch.
  3. I'm keeping an eye on this one. I haven't downloaded it yet because I'm waiting for the delay feature. But whenever that gets worked out, it'll be one of the most important mods in my arsenal.
  4. I've managed to kill her two times in a row, and the four times she's flown in my current save have resulted in complete and utter disasters. Each of the four times involved an abort, two of them killed her. All of them involve the same rocket that had been successfully flown multiple times. The first time she went up I had to abort because of a coolant leak (Dangit!), so I built another of the same rocket for the same mission, and I tried that second flight (three times, reverting to launch) and every time something new happened. I'm starting to think she's cursed.
  5. I narrowed down the problem to Real Fuels, or some interaction between Real Fuels and Procedural Parts, and possibly another mod. However, removing both RF and PP worked.
  6. From the way things are sounding, it sounds like other people are at least getting their games starting with PP on it. Mine stops loading at: ProceduralParts/Parts/ZOtherMods/RFSRB/proceduralSRBRealFuels. I have no idea if this is related to any other mods (such as Real Fuels which also doesn't have an update) or some weird interaction involving any of the other dozen or so mods of mine that haven't updated yet. I can say that it just STOPS loading, but the game doesn't crash. Right before the loading stops, there are a pair of MissingMethodExceptions for ConfigNode.SetValue, along with two NullReferenceExceptions. I also get an IndexOutOfRangeException, but those seem to be showing up all over the place. Here is a link to my full log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4mas0t6c77ipie8/KSP%201.0%20PP.log?dl=0 Any help would be appreciated, especially if it doesn't involve uninstalling the mods I currently have. I'm a little tired of having to start my game over again after KSP updates. BTW, the unofficial update does not solve this problem, and all of the mods that I have that have gotten updates are currently up to date via CKAN.
  7. I didn't test this, but this is what the code for adding this mod to all pods and probes should be. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]] { MODULE { name = DigitalClock } }
  8. I'm back! Again. As usual, life kinda went on a rollercoaster ride, and I haven't had as much time to work on this as I'd hoped. However, I'm getting back into it, reading the code, fixing stupid mistakes, removing bugs, and implementing features. Or in some cases, completely re-implementing features (WHAT WAS I THINKING!?) Over the last couple days, I've fixed some problems in compiler's implementation of the Shunting-yard algorithm, fixed issues with the PRINT keyword, re-implemented SET, fixed a keyboard input issue, and added a handful of extra architectural stuff. I'm not done yet, though. - - - Updated - - - Thanks for the offer. I'll think about it, but to be honest, I'm a bit of a control freak. I also don't currently have a clear development roadmap because I've been off the project for so long. So as far as that goes, I wouldn't exactly know what to have anyone else work on, because I'm not sure what I'm working on until I'm halfway into it.
  9. I've looked into this a little bit, but I'm not sure if it's possible without jumping through too many hoops. I am planning an alternative if this isn't possible. I do want to have some kind of thing for GUIDO to do.
  10. I have no idea what mod is causing this, but I just had the most unusual bug occur. I had a pair of kerbals on the ground in the desert on Kerbin, when suddenly their temperatures started to rise and they burst into flames before exploding. As hysterical (and terrible) as this sounds and looks, it's quite off-putting. The only mods that I can think of that might cause this are Deadly Reentry and TAC Life Support, but I can't imagine why either one would happen like this. I wasn't reentering the atmosphere. Is there some other thing anyone can think of? If it helps, I was near a particular easter egg in the desert, but I wasn't quite there yet. This isn't some kind of Indiana Jones face-melty thing, is it?!
  11. The Public Affairs Officer console is currently in the works. The PAO will be able to record "voice" transcripts of mission control and capsule loops such as: Air-to-ground loop PAO commentary loop Mission control loop Onboard voice recorder Combination of all above The mod will generate things to put in each loop as different flight events happen.
  12. I've designed a "formal" protocol by which the data will be transmitted, so I can support multiple formats going in both directions. All data is transmitted and received in the format below: [table=width: 500, class: grid, align: left] [tr] [td]Byte Range[/td] [td]Value[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]0-4[/td] [td]ASCII value "begin": 0x62, 0x65, 0x67, 0x69, 0x6E[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]5[/td] [td]Protocol ID[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]6-37[/td] [td]Reserved[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]38-41[/td] [td]Data Length[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]42-n[/td] [td]Data Segment[/td] [/tr] [/table] This format is represented by the class TelemetryServer.DataBlock. I've also written a general Client class in the TelemetryServer DLL. This way, anyone who wants to write their own client can just use the existing system to pull data off of the TCP line. The current list of protocols defined by Protocol ID: 0 - Raw (this is raw binary data). 1 - String (this is UTF8 text). 2 - TelemetryData (this is the serialized TelemetryData structure) 3 - CommandUplink (this will be the serialized CommandUplink structure. This is a planned feature.) Being that Protocol ID is a one-byte value, I can support up to 255 different protocols, which is more than enough for anyone to expand upon. Update: It occurred to me in my sleep that I should at a few bytes of reserved space just in case I need additional flags and parameters later. So I've tacked on a 32-byte reserved field.
  13. It's fine, I understood what you were going for. I even had a momentary mental image of trying to code the telemetry to be sent via email.
  14. For right now, the main protocol is a serialized structure: https://github.com/griderd/SpacecraftTelemetry/blob/master/TelemetryServer/TelemetryData.cs I used to use a raw data specification, the basics of which can be seen here. I'm in the process of re-implementing that as a possible alternate protocol. There is no particular protocol set in stone, and I'm willing to look at any possibility. I considered both JSON and XML for a time, but the downsides outweighed the benefits for the beginning of the project.
  15. Yeah, TCP is a transport layer protocol. Telnet is an application layer protocol. It's up to the client software to interpret the data that's being transmitted. I only wanted to get the data out of KSP, and TCP seemed the easiest way to do it given the limitations of KSP's IO library.
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