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Everything posted by RobH

  1. Tks for that - I am aware of the 300 m/s limit, but that's not my problem. The unopened Mk16 parachute fails BEFORE I slow enough to use it!!! Poking around, I've finally realised the chute is AUTOMATIC - whereas the chute's in earlier versions were manual. Ive now got it set reasonably and I have recovered my first orbital flight! Perhaps the "default" setting for parachutes should be more reasonable so newbies don;t get caught by this so much!
  2. Tks for that - I am aware of the 300 m/s limit, but that's not my problem. The unopened Mk16 parachute fails BEFORE I slow enough to use it!!!
  3. Hi I'm a novice, so please bear with me. I have progressed to the point where I can get into orbit (albeit in an inefficient, non-circular orbit with a high apoapsis - still trying to work out how to get into a near circular LEO of about 100km). However, no matter how shallow my re-entry, the mk16 parachiute always overheats and is destroyed on re-entry. How do I renter successfully with just a mk16, which is all that's available to me at present?
  4. Hi After quite a few attempts, I have made orbit (and back) twice now with a 2 stage liquid fuel rocket. I have tried to add solid fuel boosters and get them to fire with the first stage and then dump them when they burn out, but I cant seem to get this right. What I want to happen is the solid fuel boosters and the main first stage engines to fire at lift off and when the boosters burn out, to dump them but leave the first stage firing until its fuel runs out. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get this right and clearly I am missing some sequencing. Is there a guide to how to do this somewhere? Tks RobH
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