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Everything posted by SleepyWacKo

  1. what will i do when 0.21 hits? most likely pee in my pants while sitting in my computer playing KSP cuz i don't want to waste any time to go to the restroom! on that note, maybe i should keep an empty bottle at my desk!
  2. i'll will reply to this as you are actually looking at another point of view all be it with a bit of your view thrown in. Mods will only screw it up if you actually install one that does so, you yourself has the ability to choose which mod to install or not to install. Some may choose mods that does screw it up and make it easier and the whole career mode becomes pointless but others may not, others may choose to install mods that make it harder for example, make career mode have a tighter budget, or current mods that make reentry into kerbin atmostphere more dynamic and dangerous etc, or mod the whole career mode itself to be more realistic in it's approach, (Realize the devs vision of this may be a bit arcadish rather than challenging, mods could fix that). i don't see i need for a mod tracking system as i don't see why i need to see how another player choses to play his single player game! You only seem to look at mods as a way to cheat a game when in reality that is only one view of why people use mods, there others with entirely different view of mods to make it harder and more realistic. This is where the close minded vibe is eminating from yours and others posts!
  3. you take one example i gave and pulled it out of context, a structure set of goals in of itself may be lacking but put that along with having a budget career mode may force you to keep to, and or training of kerbals to take on said goal, or the possibility of getting fired if you failed etc. there are many possibilities to answer your questions, one possibility in of itself may be lacking but put them together you have a case. The fact you strip and focus on one possibility shows how close minded you are to the subject, as the guy who bowed out. I am going to follow his lead as this discussion is pointless as you are one of those people that only believes your view is the correct one rather than looking at the bigger more comprimising view. Good luck to you sir, happy kerbaling
  4. all i see is people with closed minds hence that fact you have never acknowledged the fact that mods can make a game harder and that is some of the reasons why one mods a game. how is that cheating in fact wouldn't that mean they have more of a challenge than you do? cheating may happen but why does it matter in the context of KSP being a single player game? you act as this is some sort of competition sport game
  5. why develop career mode if you are just going to let it be modded? well for one it would provide a structured set of goals to accomplish we don't currently have, regardless of the way they are accomplished the fun would be simply doing it!, also there would be some realistic cares you would have to tend too, maybe you need to keep to a budget etc. like i stated, some mods people use are not used to make the game easier but to actually make it harder. I think you are assuming most people use mods to cheat when for alot of us it is the other way around. We use mods to add difficulty and features such as deadly reentry, FAR, Remote Tech, Kethane etc. what is wrong with making career mode harder if one wants to? yes some may cheat but that is their perogative and choice to do! also maybe one wants to mod career mode itself to be a more realistic approach, i'm pretty sure the dev version of this is going to be a little gamey rather than challenging!
  6. no one is trying to change your gameplay, you already have the ability to play how you choose too! you just want the ability to see how another player chose to play!
  7. because they "CHOSE" too, all the point needed! it would be your "CHOICE" whether or not to use mods/hyperediting, simply "CHOOSE" not too, why disable the feature when you can do it yourself?
  8. ahh so this is a trust issue. what would you suggest to be done about hyperediting? that is not a mod but someone can simply hyperedit themselves somewhere along with a fully functioning base? they didn't use mods either all stock, how would you suggest you be able to tell that?
  9. mods haven't stopped that from happening currently. why would it change that fact later on? gotta also remember some of us actually use mods to make the game harder not eaiser!
  10. i stated before that was fine for them to do that, but why waste the dev time to do so when you can accomplish the same thing with one mode using less resources? the choices you describe will still be there. you alone would control whether you used mods or not. Now if KSP was meant to be multiplayer i would totally agree with you, one for mods and one without mods. Resources to develop the two modes would not be wasted at that point as it would accomplish a goal for a fair multiplayer world. in a single player game that goal is moot! either way we each have different views, no point in going on about it. We will see what lies ahead and i'm sure more disccusions will pop up over it!
  11. how is providing a choice for those to use mods and not use mods for career mode limiting in any way shape or form your way to play KSP? Not only is it giving you the oppurtunity to go all stock like you want it is also giving the oppurtunity for those who want to, to use mods. IT is in fact not limiting but providing more opportunities to play thus the providing more "CHOICES" that question made me laugh! also, you can have inspiration, challenge, using mods or not using mods does not prevent that fact.
  12. why do you need to tell if certain mission or some amazing stunt was pulled off with or without mods? in a context of a single player game explain why this matters for any reason other to have an egotistical perception of yourself being better than the other player?
  13. no there isn't wrong, but that is also extra work for the devs to create two seperate career modes, i'm not a coding expert so have no idea how hard it may be! that would be a "Choice"
  14. your trophy analogy has nothing to do with this, trophies are something you win from a competitive event, in a single player game there is no competition to speak of! Again if this was a multiplayer game i would see your point, since KSP is single player there is no justification to disallow mods in a career mod for such reasons you have stated. However the devs will do what they feel is right and i strongly believe that they will side with CHOICE rather than shoving a certain gameplay style down ones throat. Just because mods may be allowed does not mean you have to use them there is no affect on anyone else but yourself which is why i just don't get your point of view in the context of a single player game! since you ended your response with a question, are you one of those that believes they have a higher IQ than anyone else, thus not being intelligent enough to see that IQ means nothing but using common sense?
  15. in my opinion, no there is no need to, but this has satisfied the ego crowd in past games about this same very subject in career modes! basically it would be a compromise so those that did their crap without mods can gloat about it still
  16. this may be true for some, but you fail to realize the state of the world we live in today
  17. i wouldn't worry about being forced, I will be shocked if the devs went the route of blocking mods in career mode for a single player game! There is no advantage and reason to do so other than helping pet some ones ego! Ego is what this whole thread is basically about, there is one side that wants to force everyone to play their way with no mods and there is the other side that just simply wants the choice to use mods if they see fit. Devs can simply mark said saved game as mod enabled so said mod user can't pass off his accomplishments as stock.
  18. but why does it matter how someone decides to play a single player game? If this was multiplayer i would see every ones point, but considering this is a single player game why does it matter if mods are used or not? The only reason i can for see why most would be against it is simply ego stroking! The i can do this and you can't haha attitude!
  19. who are you to tell someone how they should or should not enjoy a game? maybe you shouldn't need manual control to enjoy the game?. I personally think using a autopilot feature is more realistic, space flights are handles by the flight computer, the pilot only takes controls when more precise control is needed such as docking. etc. I'm glad mechjeb exists, i'm also glad the devs themselves under their planned features are going to implement some type of autopilot feature of their own but using kerbal abilities as it should be. IMO the kerbals fly the ships not me, mechjeb helps me RP that factor until there is an built in way via devs!
  20. dunno why you hate it, it's the official response. If devs don't give out release dates than the answer is when it is done. pretty obvious. but to answer your question personally i believe if not by friday, sometime next week!
  21. as the guy above said i guess it is possible it will run, but from my experience running games on integrated cards never worked out to well.
  22. those are integrated graphics right? if so neither would really work that any self respecting game could live with. integrated graphics are not meant for gaming, you will get horrid performance even on low settings most likely. you sure the is the only graphic options? most things that has integrated graphics also has a discrete gpu of some type
  23. you will be surprised how not so smart some one can be with computers trying to do something as simple as dropping the mod folder into the gamedata folder, over in the steam forums for ksp theres atleast a few threads a week asking how to install a mod and a few more asking about steam workshop being integrated because they can't properly install a mod after being explained how to, luckily the devs already plan to integrate spaceport in the future to within the game to solve the issues i described earlier for the computer illiterate!
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