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Everything posted by Exangels

  1. My armoured vehicles woops realized this is a stock thread :S
  2. "Coming to a screenshot thread near you soon: Giant pink [RICHARDS] on Duna... Internet folk are predicable after all" Lol cant wait to see peoples creations with this This mod Looks Awesome
  3. My B9 Has glitched, all the Engines Fire in the Sph but then dont work on Runway http://imgur.com/a/053MA#0
  4. Totally what i think of these parts and what im gonna do once the their released Hope the parts are almost done, cant wait :S
  5. make sure u only have latest version installed I deleted the //keyfire then changed the "keyfire" keybind to [0]
  6. can anyone give their setting for "keyfire"? For thos of us who cant get this mod to work
  7. i cant seem to get this to work either, changed both keybinding for keyfire & //keyfire but no luck :S Been like this since 0.18
  8. thank you so much, wasnt able to launch with the the other release, no problems so far with the down-res'd textures
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