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Everything posted by johnnytruant

  1. New drivers, no joy. Could be a 0.18 issue but I'm not about to spend money to find that out. Ho hum. I'll come back to KSP in a bit, see if whatever is causing this issue is fixed. Thanks for the pointers.
  2. Turns out there are newer drivers. Intel are really kicking them out at the moment (they're working closely with Valve on improving linux gaming performance at the moment, some say for the arrival of a SteamMachine later this year...) I only updated two days ago. Will install them and see how it goes.
  3. Hmm. I was under the impression I was using the proprietary driver. The Intel linux graphics driver update tool thinks I am. My desktop machine is definitely using the NVidia drivers. I shall do more checking. Also, I thought Mesa was the OpenGL library, not a driver? It's been a long time since I've done much non-console gaming so I could be wrong about that. I tried a few other games, Angry Bots and Unitroids, and they worked fine - but I'm not sure what kind of load they (or KSP) was putting on the GPU.. Angry Bots certainly had more fancy shaders going on, but perhaps was throwing around fewer polys.
  4. Sorry about lack of logs, that was rubbish of me. I should know better than that. Anyway - Player.log - http://pastebin.com/s4AZNXKu Can't find a ksp.log, I've done a find for ksp.log and KSP.log in the KSP_Linux directory with no joy. So I had trouble triggering the problem again. I deleted settings.cfg and all seemed well for a while. I did a little one-stage suborbital flight and exited the program. Then I changed resolution to 1280*720, and all was again well, did a little launch, fine. Restarted, and made a bigger rocket. Then this happened: http://imgur.com/a/9GPOF First image you can just see the top of the screen starting to go. Bottom image is what you see if you look down. This is the last session I loaded the game. My machine is incredibly sluggish after this has happened, even after I've quit the game, I have to log out and back in again before I can do things like scroll webpages smoothly and so on. This is on my laptop, which is Ubuntu Gnome 13.04. Will try on the desktop later. Double checked, turned out it's an NVidia GF210 with 1GB of ram in the desktop, I don't even remember upgrading that! Both machines are using the manufacturer binary drivers, both are up to date. I haven't had a chance to try what triffid_hunter suggested, but will do that and report back.
  5. Hi all, Having some troubles with the demo (if I can get them resolved, I'll definitely be buying!) First few times I loaded it up all was well. Made some rockets, got into space, almost managed to get a stable orbit. Now the graphics are really screwy. The top half of the screen doesn't seem to be updating correctly - I usually can't see the altimeter or time warp panels, and other glitches too - the ground often isn't drawn, I can see through to the skybox underneath and so on. I installed LXDE in case Gnome Shell was upsetting things. Helped, at first, but then it crashed a lot instead. Today it doesn't crash but the graphics are doing what they did under Gnome yesterday. Bafflingly, the exact same thing happens on both my machines - one i3 latop with Intel GFX (I know, they're not great but they did work fine) and my desktop which has a fairly old (8800?) but still fairly servicable NVidia card in. Both running Ubuntu Gnome, the laptop is slightly more up to date than the desktop. 13.04 on the laptop and whatever the last LTS release was on the desktop. I don't game much on my PCs, but the few games I do have been OK. That would be a bit of Minecraft, some FreeOrion, the occasional Humble Bundle game. Nothing too taxing, but frankly I can't see KSP being all that serious on the GPU. CPU, maybe, but it's hardly a graphical tour-de-force. I've tried turning settings down as far as they go, and using the fallback shaders - nothing makes any difference. I've tried wiping out my settings file, setting LC_ALL=C, running both the x86 and 64bit versions, all the same problem, Searching for issues with Unity3D is a freakin' nightmare because Ubuntu's desktop environment of the same name. Any tips or advice would be much appreciated.
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