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Everything posted by Joolio123

  1. Okay so I don't know if this is because Im on a mac but for some reason the DSL sky crane does not appear in my game even though it is installed. Can someone help?
  2. DEVS PLEASE READ! Ok I think I have the answer to the solid rocket booster spin, it is caused by the non symmetrical placement of the srb's so I think it could be fixed by adding thrust vectoring to them. It would be much appreciated if you could test my idea and see if it works or not.
  3. I tried all variants with mechjeb and only the 401 and 501 worked.
  4. I would love to see the whole upper stage please.
  5. I dont mean to be pushy or anything but can you give us an E.T.A on the viking replica?
  6. It is a nice pack but I have a little complaint, I cannot fly the atlas 5 with any srb's attached because they spin the rocket out of control. If you could fix this it would be much appreciated.
  7. I really love this mod pack but at the moment I can't use it because it crashes my game when I try to launch spacecraft. I would really appreciate it if you could look into this and hopefully be able to fix it.
  8. Do you think you could make Titan 3E parts to be used in conjunction with yogui's Voyager and Upcoming Viking mods.
  9. Am I the only one who cannot get the Prometheus and DSL downloads to unzip. Im on mac if that makes a difference.
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