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Everything posted by eastjc

  1. Ok, so the planet rotates at 90 degrees or thats only the mun?
  2. These are pretty cool FYI if you don't know about them. http://www.ted.com/topics/space
  3. 1001sd, that does help a bit for now. Now that I have that to look at I need to practice a bit. I appreciate it! Vanamonde, I know tugging on them adjusts the orbit, I was just trying to figure out which did what and why so I can do it quickly on a low burn rocket to obtain a good close orbit.
  4. Stooooop Poooostiiiinggg Theeeessseeee and making me reply!!!!
  5. Rock yes, disco... are you still spinning in orbit? The user below me has had relationship problems because of Kerbal Space Program!
  6. I haven't been able to find this on the forum site yet, but what exactly do the 6 markers do when trying to set up a maneuver for orbit. I keep ending up guessing till I get something close to what I want, however, I'd like to quit guessing and do it right the first time. Fuel is money!
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