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    Curious George
  1. Is there any add-ons currently available that contain "realistic" operating RAMJETS, SCRAMJETS, or RBCCs? I haven't been able to find anything good through my searching but I assume there has to be something considering the number of addons for KSP. The closest thing I have found is the turbojet/rocket combined cycle SABRE engine in the B9 pack. I am considering developing addons for these propulsion systems myself if none already exist.
  2. I thought I would share my first stable manned mun rover. I stranded Bill and Johnbur on my first two attempts at building a rover when they flipped, so I made a three-seat rover for the third try, and sent Hadcal on the rescue mission. It worked like a charm! I can drive around at 20 m/s without risk of flipping the thing. My strategy was widening the wheel base, adding the extra pair in back, and making the CG as low as possible by putting 4 RTGs and two batteries on the underside.
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