I have read on this forum long enough and have KSP since 0.13 or so... i am not one that posts often , but i fully agree with Lord Aurelius´ standpoint here. They had 4 years+ to develop this game and had so much feedback from the community (even in the form of modifications ,to get things in that the base game lacked) and still they bork the most important release by not listening to the concerns people had with going from 0.9 straight to 1.0... Techtree still a mess , Game is still a resource hog ,Graphics are seriously lacking (still no clouds?), new Aero different (why did they not talk with ferram? he has the grasp on Aero it looks like...) , no real working tutorial-campaign,64bit version far from being here (not able to go over the mem limit for a 32bit sys is a real pain for such a resource-hog game ...) and so on....these points have all been discussed to death i wont go further into detail. If Squad cant take criticism and fanboys also (i also count as one seeing i have logged approx 800 hrs) then there is seriously something FUNDAMENTALLY wrong with some people. Oh and moving this thread to Add-On-affairs subsection is pretty dumb move to silence critics...