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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I've got a question for you. Currently I'm running KSP in an Athlon X2 5400+ (dual core, 2.8 Ghz, 512Kb cache/core). I'm happy with the performance, but sometimes feels a little slow. A friend of mine has given me an Intel Core 2 Quad E6600 (quad core, 2.4 Ghz, 2Mb cache/core). Only the CPU. My question is: It's worth the extra performance buying a motherboard for the Intel? The rest of the PC would remain the same (RAM, VGA, etc). The cost for the MB it's 80€ (brand new). I'm asking mainly because KSP doesnt play with more than 1 core, so I'm not sure of the change. Thanks.
  2. I'm having the exact same problem, with clean installation and no mods at all. The only file carried from the old version is the config.cfg. Windows 7 32 bits, AMD Athlon X2 and ATI 5550. I'm not in my computer so I can't post log files.
  3. Me estreno en este rincón del foro con unas fotos de dos de mis misiones. Mi primer aterrizaje en Mun: Foto 2. De regreso. En Minmus con el mismo diseño. Mi primer vehículo interplanetario, Antares, capaz de ir a Duna y volver de una pieza: Viaje de prueba a la órbita de Mun, sin el lander. Otra foto de la prueba. Detalle del sistema de acople. Reaprovisionando en órbita, antes del viaje a Duna. El transporte de la tripulación. A mitad camino, corrigiendo la órbita. Otra foto de la correción.
  4. Buena pregunta. Hay algunos bugs en el sistema de docking, es probable que sea eso. Prueba a desacoplar y reacoplar, a ver si se arregla. O cambiar el tipo de dock que utilizas. También veo que el número de piezas es muy elevado, tal vez el problema esté por ahí. Para asegurarte que el docking está bien hecho, pincha con el botón derecho sobre el puerto, si no te da la opción de desacoplar es que no están acoplados. A mi me pasó hace poco.
  5. Thanks. I only have 2 posts, but I've been playing for three months
  6. Hello to all. This is my first post in the forum, and I wanted to start by showing my first interplanetary ship. My goals in the desing are basic: stock, strong and reusable. My first destination was Duna, but after the flight I must admit that the desing is not capable of much more. After the round trip, the tanks were almost empty, even with aerobraking. I'm not a good pilot (yet), so maybe Eve is into the capacities of the craft, but I'm not trying by now. Also the part count is high (~400), and my PC lags a little. The 2.0 will be better The associated lander is a bad desing, so forget about it. So I present you my first interplanetary ship, Antares: I've decided that one PPD-10 Hitchhiker is the needed vital space for one kerbal for this journey, so the crew capacity is three. One MK1-2 command pod for piloting, and the rest is basically fuel, and some bateries and monopropellant. It has some RTGs, but the main power comes from the solar panels. It also has lights for night side EVAs. Only two (difficult) launchs needed for the main vehicle, another for the lander, one for the crew, and many for resuply (I did one and hyperedited the rest ). Three nervas make the main power, so long burns are needed, but they work perfectly. Now, the photos: Kerbin escape burn (best photo): With the resupply ship docked, still unmanned: Detail of the docking desing (I havent seen this desing anywhere): The rest of the images as links, for easy loading: First test flight, unmanned, to Mun orbit, and without the lander. Another view of the first test. Crew transfer vehicle aproaching. Halfway to Duna, correction burn. Another view. Hope you like it
  7. Otro más en la tropa Un saludo desde España.
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