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  1. Here's a F-16 Fighting Falcon for you guys to chew on. It doesn't fly, sadly. Download Link If anyone wants to tweak it to be able to leave the ground, and reupload it, that would be awesome.
  2. Ninja Kerbal Aeronautical Corporation, or NKAC, is one of the leading manufacturers of high-quality aircraft and spacecraft. This is our product listing, of aircraft that any interested party may purchase, for a reasonable amount of money. Coming Soon: N002 Rapier N003B Springboard N004 Corsair The N004 Corsair is a lightweight, high-performance atmospheric jet, capable of performing many tasks. It is a very bare-bones, no-frills aircraft, and that is reflected in it's high maneuverability. It's single lightweight jet engine gives it enough thrust to reach a cruising speed of 182 m/s and a maximum speed of 250 m/s. Its long landing gear gives it room under its fuselage and wings for whatever you may decide to attach to it, weapons, sensors, or more engines. Status: AVAILABLE N004B Corsair After several complaints and lawsuits, we have decided to modify the original N004 design to N004B, in order to raise the survivability rate over 1%. It now features a detachable escape pod (activated with either space or backspace), a stronger engine, and a new air intake layout. We think it might work. Status: AVAILABLE N003 Springboard After a rather long production delay, fine-tuning the VTOL engine, NKAC is proud to present the N003 Springboard VTOL/STOVL attack fighter. The two rocket engines powering it give it amazing thrust but chew through it's fuel like there's no tomorrow. With a cruising speed of 200 m/s (it could be higher, the test craft ran out of fuel and it was still accelerating), and a max speed of 290 (same situation), a more fuel-efficient varient is the next logical step. Status: AVAILABLE
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