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Everything posted by Bojac6

  1. Mostly keyboard. I have an old Cyborg Evo joystick I tried to use, but I can't get KSP to recognize throttle and rudder. I should probably replace that joystick anyway, it's a good 10 years old. Any recommendations?
  2. I downloaded your craft and tried it. And while I see how it could work, it's far from easy. Your designs inspired a SSTO of my own, but I don't really have the control to land a dropship yet, much less the fancy flying you're doing. Building a rocket like that is well beyond me. Still, it's something to work on.
  3. So I've tried playing around with hovering craft like this in the past, but I can't seem to get them to reliably maintain altitude or stop moving once they're going forward. The delay between the throttle and engine output doesn't help matters either. Any pointers for how to get your level of engine control?
  4. Ok, your suggestions did not work, but I don't think it's because you were wrong. I tried a rocket launch and when I started the gravity turn, it completely flipped out and could not be controlled at about 20k, so I'm thinking there may be some kind of mod clash going on or something Thanks for the design tips and I'll take them into account after I reinstall
  5. I thought the T30 was the one without gimbals and the 45 was? In any event, I'll test out your changes now, thanks!
  6. Hi, so I'm just getting into SSTO building and I'm hitting a snag. I have FAR installed and used some of their planes, and it went pretty smoothly, more or less. But then I get to my designs and things fall apart. I understand the basics of getting to about 20k, and can tweak my designs to do that reliably. However, once I get to the cut over from jets to rockets, my own designs always start tumbling. It's uncontrollable and not recoverable every time. There's usually quite a bit of rocking to start, and then a full tumble. I've tried SAS, ASAS with RCS, and the avionics package. I've tried cutting off the jets earlier (around .14 air intake) to make sure I'm not having flame outs. I've tried cutting the jets and coasting before engaging the rocket and I've tried running them simultaneously. Either way, the same result every time. Here's a picture of my latest design. Generic, sure, but it's mine and I want it to work Any tips or help is greatly appreciated.
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