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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Thanks ! that's why I was afraid of downloading any mods yet, glad I asked!
  2. I'm a newbie, have satellites in orbit. Trying to get to the mun, when would you recommend me downloading that mod or does it matter? Thanks!
  3. That seems like that is my problem, will fix and check now. Thanks!
  4. Hello! As the title suggests everytime I go to orbit the Mun I time warp to get close to my PE so I can retro grade to get my orbit correct. After I time war and I am a distance away from Kerbin I lose control of my rocket and cant turn it at all or turn my engines on or off. Do I need to get a comms satellite out to extend my control influence? Or am I missing something? Thanks!
  5. Now I'm a little embarrassed... I reinstalled the game and the same design that didn't work yesterday works today. I'm going to try the two other designs I had failure with and report back.
  6. Hey no bossyness received on my end I appreciate everyone's help! Will post a pic soon when I get off work. However almost 100 percent sure there is no part between the gas and engine either.
  7. I only get lift with the rocket boosters. Have to use multiple stages of those guys with decouplers etc... to get anywhere.
  8. Hey hey hey now! I'm at work, will be home later to upload a screen shot. Really have a basic design and only one decoupler at the top. Parachute Pod Decoupler SAS Liquid gas w/oxidizer engine no bueno
  9. No decoupler between the gas and engine. And gas is connected to the engine.
  10. Rocket boosters are the only thing that I can get to ignite for me.
  11. Thank you for responding, here is what I have working: FL-T800 (liquid and oxidized) LV-T45 Engine is that not the correct combo as far as rocket fuel/engine?
  12. Hello all! I've had this game for about an hour, quite amazing! I've done a little researching on my question and haven't found a viable answer yet, so sorry if this is redundant! For what ever reason I can't seem to get my liquid engines working. I have the throttle on and I hit space bar, I get the inititial flash and thats about it. I'm sure there is something severely obvious I am missing, if someone wouldn't mind pointing that out that would be great. Thanks!
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