So if you havn't noticed. Unity 5 was announced not too long ago, but what does this mean for us KSP players? Well despite Unity's proposed upgrade price, this my be well worth it. Here's why for those not in the know: 1: 64-bit: This was asked alot throughout the forums where it's to the point where they're on the "What not to Suggest" thread, sadly all 64-bit OS systems are suffering from this, even linux due to it running a windows app with just linux exsentions. for those not in the know you can only use 4GB of RAM at max on a 32-bit apps, but 64-bit can handle way more RAM. once the 64-bit problom is solved this means more installed mods and maybe less lag. 2: Multithreading: Also on the "What not to Suggest" thread. To sum up If your having alot of lag, this is most likely the problom. Right now the physics engine for KSP is big data processing wise. once mutithreading is implemented the physics engine data will be ditributed evenly throught the Computer Processor cores instead of focusing on one core. There are alot more things that maybe in unity 5 that i missed that would improve KSP, but those are the major ones. What do you folks think? Shoud they upgrade to unity 5? I think so.