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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Yes, Its what I've been using for my streams.
  2. Permanent Minmus Outpost Construction With the success of Operation nightlight, a Clear landing site for the next step in the Spoony Space Program was born on Minmus, and there it has sat for two weeks while I was on vacations. The past few days I have been absolutely itching to get back into the Minmus outpost project, and at long last, I will be able to continue working on it. Tune in to http://www.twitch.tv/mrspoonman09 at Midnight Tonight EST to catch all the action! On the agenda: Design of outpost central spire Primary minbase crew selection Assembly of minbase central spire in LKO Transfer to minmus and landing of Minbase Minbase accessories, modules, and support vehicle construction (will not likely be completed until later this week) Here's a screenie from operation nightlight 2 weeks ago. The Eris orbiter releasing a team of "nightlight" probes to land in formation to illuminate the site of future Minmus construction.
  3. This is a tad out of left field, but if you havent looked into it yet, OBS is a completely free streaming program that has a lot more features than the free version of Xsplit. most notably the game capture option, that captures frames directly from the game which i think you need to pay for on xsplit. OBS link: http://obsproject.com/ Another tool i find really cool is "Untamed now playing" its a chrome extension that can grab song titles from sites like pandora or grooveshark or whatever you may use for music and display them in your stream. linky:https://github.com/untamed0/Untamed-Now-Playing
  4. The first mission of a Minbase initiative, operation nightlight was designed to establish a landing site for future missions to Minmus. The plan involves landing four small probes equipped with solar panels, batteries, and floodlights, to keep the ground well lit around the clock and make future landings easier, even at night. This mission was carried out by a three kerman crew aboard the newly completed Eris orbiter. The Eris is a medium sized, top of the line shuttle designed for missions all over the Kerbin SOI and is capable of wheel landing back at KSC. Mission Crew: Jebadiah Kerman: Pilot, Senior Officer Sidhat Kerman: Telemetry/Communications Raygee Kerman: Probe Technician, Rookie
  5. The Triton system is completely built and assembled in LKO. Refueling operations and other Final mission preparations are underway. Duna transfer operations are set to commence at midnight Saturday night (EST) and will be broadcast on http://www.twitch.tv/mrspoonman09. Tritons Profile: Part count: 443 Mass: 530 t dry mass: 162 t thrust: 1440 MN (24 LV-Ns) Thrust/weight range: 0.271 - 0.888 Maximum Occupancy: 5 kerbals Mission Crew: Bob Kerman - Pilot and Commander Wehrbo Kerman - Cheif Science officer Malory Kerman - Engineering Orney kerman - Cartography Specialist Primary mission objective: Successful landing on the surface of Duna followed by return to LKO Alternate Objective: If unforseen circumstances make a Duna landing untenable this mission can also be considered complete upon successful landing on Ike and return to LKO Other involved spacecraft: The KSS Serif will remain on standby in LKO to assist in the event that a rescue mission becomes necessary. Video Footage of Triton:
  6. The corporate big-wigs at the spoony space program Consider Jeb kerman a vital asset due to his high mission success rate. However, due to his penchant for straying from planned mission procedures and his complete disregard for damage to equipment, mission control decided it was necessary to start planning missions for Jeb that would keep him away from any fragile and expensive instruments. With this in mind, a special EVA on minmus was planned. On this mission Jeb would orbit the moon with nothing more than a jet pack. Like the video? follow me on twitch at http://www.twitch.tv/mrspoonman09
  7. I've started up a twitch account and I plan on streaming almost exclusively KSP. I'm still tinkering around with the channel, but I will be streaming at regular times around the week in the near future. Here's a video for listening. http://www.twitch.tv/mrspoonman09/c/2621083 Please show some love and follow my twitch channel to join the fun. http://www.twitch.tv/mrspoonman09 Update 8/19/13: I'm back!!! after two weeks of vacation, and changing apartments, I'm finally all settled in and ready to resume streams every night at midnight EST! hopefully I'll see you there.
  8. Post your best pictures/videos/stories of completely catastrophic kerbal calamities. My submission: I forgot to account for Gilly's rotation while setting up a low pass during an EVA landing, and a mountain rotated into the path of my 450 tonne space yacht. http://www.twitch.tv/mrspoonman09/c/2614019
  9. Hello everyone. I've been rather industrious the past few nights on KSP, and I have a lot of exciting news and a new craft file for whoever wants it. Large low kerbin orbit refueler: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/large-lko-refueler/ After some tweaking and optimization, I've completed an improved version of my Exkalibur prototype in LKO. The current design stays pretty close to the original. Most noticeably, the solar panels were removed to make room for outriggers which house another 12 LV-N's. (the new build now has 24 engines). The other major change was an overhaul of the ascent stage for the middle section, although this has no effect whatsoever on the craft once it is in space, this adjustment should make assembly of the craft much more user friendly once I release it to you guys. On that note, I am ALMOST ready to let you guys try this thing out. I refuse, however, to put anything on the spaceport that i haven't had the opportunity to quality test yet. With this in mind, I plan to test the Exkalibur sometime this week with a maiden voyage to one of Kerbin's neighbors. If that trip turns out to be successful, I don't see any reason why I shouldn't upload the craft files. Here is your chance to help me out. The current Exkalibur build sports a whopping 8.7k deltaV. which is plenty for a round trip with payload to either Eve or Duna. I have a couple of ideas for missions to either of these planets, so I think i'll let you guys decide where to go. Should the Exkaliburs maiden voyage be to Duna to drop rovers and landers on the planet and its moon IKE? Or should the destinations be Eve, for some satellite insertions and extreme EVAs on Gilly. Also, if there is enough interest, I would LOVE to stream the trip live on twitch, so let me know when would be a good time to do that this week. I promise the stream will be exciting, either because of a successful trip signaling the imminent release of some sweet craft files, or because of a spectacular 450 tonne fireball.
  10. Due to the reactions I got from the exkalibur post, I figured I owe you guys some actual craft files instead of just pictures. so here goes: the Kestral transport VTOL: I've already shown you guys this one, and I've been polishing it up since then to get it flying just right. download it now here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/kestrel-transport-vtol/ Also try the One Shot Fuel Depot I promised you guys this one by the weekend, but here it is slightly early. weighing in at over 1100 tons and 400 parts, this ones a bit of a PC-eater for the first 2-3 minutes of launch. Once the ascent stage drops off, this craft is a gentle giant. Equipped with every docking port imaginable, this guy can reach out and orbit minmus with well over 3000 fuel to spare. Perfect for setting up Gas stations all over the Kerbin SOI. Linky: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/one-shot-fuel-depot/ Please feel free to let me know what you think of these. Have fun y'all!
  11. I got the urge to build something large, and capable of interplanetary trips without lagging up my computer too hard. After a few test flights i found that the source of choppyness (for my computer at least) is part counts over approximately 320. With a 320 part cap in mind, project Exkalibur was born. PROJECT GOALS: (Completed in this build in Blue, untested in this build in Yellow, not yet met in Red) Crew capacity: 15+ Thrust weight: 0.333+ delta V: 10,000+(currently just over 7000) Wobble Proof Part Count under 320 Deploy-able landers Deploy-able Shuttle Deploy-able Rovers Deploy-able Brings all the boys to the space yard Pictures: http://imgur.com/a/mV0KP#0 No craft file yet. I still have a Ton of work to do on this build. In order to meet the delta V goal without losing the thrust/weight ratio that I want, I will have to tack on some outriggers with fuel and engines. I also have to build the Support vehicles that I want to add to the final build and attach them in a CoM friendly way. The current build is already 264 parts, so it is likely that i will have to streamline the current build some to make room for the additions. I will wait Until after the next update to start adding on support vehicles because I plan on adjusting my part cap to match my games performance after the update. If you guys really want a nice craft file, I'm working on a Space station that launches in one piece and can reach the Mun and Minmus with more than an orange tank worth of fuel. I already have a working build of that one, and it should be polished up and ready for the spaceport this weekend.
  12. I refitted one of my old unfinished munbase designs for an atmospheric descent with parrachutes and pumped about 80,000 units of fuel into it. the result? 21 tons of awesome cardboard box fort on a distant moon. here is the mission album: http://imgur.com/a/0hRHm#0 EDIT: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/simple-space-outpost/ There is the craft link since you guys wanted it. 4 things to keep in mind. 1 this thing is pretty tight on fuel for laythe so you need to be pretty efficient in how you use phase angles and such 2 the front landing legs on control group 2 could probably be lowered some, to make them more usefull when you land on a hill and still want your rover to pop off wheels down. 3 if you aren't very good at docking i suggest you move the clampo sr. on the bottom of the main part of the craft down further. as it is, it is nestled in between a bunch of LVNs because it looks cool that way. this requires you to be very precise while docking the lower transition stage. 4 i dont have a control group to toggle the LVNs on the main stage, i had to shut them off manually after i docked the extra stage under it. if i flew this thing again i would add one.
  13. it glides like mad. had force a stall about 5m off of the ground to put it down. lol
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