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Everything posted by congoblast

  1. This is exactly what I mean, great suggestion.
  2. The amount you lose by transmitting is extremely small if you continue to send and send and send. Because you can send for an example 20% of 100 which is 20 science points, then you can again transmit 20% of the left 80 science points which is 16, then you'll have 64 science points left to be harvested form the same example and 20% from 64...I hope you catch my drift. You will end up with 20% of maybe 1 science point left that you don't harvest in the end. I know it's a lot of transmissions, but it's still a lot faster doing it this way if you are for an example in a orbit around Jool collecting from its moons. I just physical time warp and let it do its thing for maybe 2-10 minutes.
  3. Well I am not Scott Manley good, I had a bunch of stuff filled out in the tech tree already before the Jool mission, I was actually first a little later in the game that I found out that I could just repeat the same experiment, and now i'm sitting back playing a wishing that I never found out even though it is quite obvious.
  4. Yeah I don't really blame them. I am so pleased with the new update, but I am glad that more people feel the same way about this, and I hope it will get changed in a update, because the game seems a bit short with these repeated transmissions of the exact same thing
  5. I have done the exact some thing. I don't know if it is a bug, but yeah the button should be grayed out of you already have done a transmission of a specific experiment, in the same spot.
  6. Hello First I would say sorry for my English as it is not my narrative language. What I have done to get all my science points, and fill up my tech-tree, is to send out a probe with some science equipment and some solar cells and then just scan the different altitude of the moons and planets. The thing that I think is weird is that I am allow to set up an action group and spam click on the transmission button instead of returning any sample because I don't need to. This way I can harvest all the science points quickly. I personally got about 6000 science points for scanning Jool and its moons with a flyby to all of them, with only one probe. It got me thinking that, "Is this really fair?, did the developers know that I can do this". I filled up my tech tree with a days playtime and now I want to create a new career were I only transmit once or return the whole sample. Hope you know what I mean, is this really the way of doing science, maybe in KSP but still, I don't think that the scientist on the ground is interested in the exact same 100 samples of the same thing, even kerbal scientists if you know what I mean
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