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    Curious George
  1. I have actually been enjoying the new aero. Granted, it might not be perfect yet, but it seems better than 0.90 to me. I wasn't sure if I would like it at first, but I like the challenge of the more realistic(-ish) aerodynamics. Now K3RBAL KOL4, you have been criticizing other people rebuttals as lacking substance, which find a bit hypocritical given that your main post lacks any suggestions to improve what you are complaining about. So, I must ask, what would you suggest to make this game more fun? Thanks for posting this, I heard about this, but I didn't know it made that much of a difference. I'm currently playing by forcing open_gl, but maybe I don't have to if I just kill those temp gauges. Then again, I'm sorta addicted to a good couple of mods... I think this should be stickied for those playing with mods, unless it already is and I am dumb.
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