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Everything posted by DoctorSpaceman

  1. Perhaps you're lacking lift? From the picture Hodo posted, it seems that perhaps you could add bigger wings or more engines. That usually fixes my planes.
  2. Same here. I've been in this thread for 10 minutes and can't figure out where to install this stuff. I've tried like 3 different install configurations now and none of them work.
  3. I'm having this same problem. I was trying to revoke an incorrectly awarded ribbon and I accidentally right clicked on the ribbon and now I can't bring up the window at all.
  4. I'll just leave this here http://imgur.com/j07Ih (safe for work)
  5. Sorry about that I searched for things like "montage parody", "mlg", the title, stuff like that and nothing came up.
  6. For those unfamiliar with the game, here is their site: http://outerwilds.com/. It's a space exploration game based around the mechanic that the solar system's sun is exploding in 20 minutes. When it does, the game resets. However, this is to the player's advantage, as many of the planets change over the 20 minute period, so this way you can see everything. The physics aren't very realistic, but it's a fun game regardless, and definitely one worth checking out (especially since it's free)! I'll be posting some of my screencaps soon, but feel free to talk about the game or ask questions!
  7. THIS. All we got was planetary motion, AND it was lumped in with the rest of the rotational motion stuff, instead of its own chapter.
  8. Yeah Drogue chutes will definitely help. Other than that, only other real option is MOAR CHUTES! Make sure they're pulling on the whole ship more or less equally. If all your parachutes are attached to the command pod, it's probably gonna break off when they open. Hope this helps!
  9. Great addon, but im running into an issue. Any time I fly a craft with this pod, after a few minutes (sometimes as few as 3, once as long as 15), my computer crashes and has to restart. Don't remember the exact error message, something about a graphic not being greater than or equal. I'm using Windows 8 if it's any help. Any idea what's causing this? I really do enjoy the pod, but this is kinda ruining it for me at this point.
  10. I'm glad this is getting so much interest! I like synapse's idea about training shawyn with a spaceplane, and I'll definitely look into Telemachus because ive never really used it. Honestly though, the screenshare was mainly to give the audience something to look at. Maybe I could animate it instead...
  11. I appreciate all the suggestions. However, I feel like mechjeb, kerbal engineer, Telemachus, and the like kinda violate the spirit of the idea. What we want to do is make it hard on ourselves, with a rookie pilot, no map view, and only the information from the cockpit displays available to us. We could basically fly it for him, but where's the fun in that? I digress, but the basic point is that while we could use all these computer aids, we want to do it with pencil, paper, and a calculator instead. Btw, if anyone has a good idea for what I should renamed the thread to, I'd be glad to hear it!
  12. I saw a post about this before the April Purge and I decided to try it out. Basically, the idea is that one player flies a rocket to the Mun, in cockpit mode, while the others act as Mission Control and tell him when to make burns and what way to go and stuff. The Cast Myself: aka Crump, a somewhat experienced KSPer. I will design the rocket for Shawyn. My friend Kyle: Dabbles in KSP. He will be helping me with figuring out the burns and directing Shawyn. My friend Shawyn: Our pilot .Has never played KSP before. A recipe for disaster? Maybe. The Rules Shawyn will be in cockpit mode the entire time. -He can look at map view one time, to check his Apoapsis during flight to orbit Kyle and I will be looking at shawyns screen over the internet -This is so we can point things out to him and see what's going on Shawyn is allowed no prior experience beyond a brief explanation of the controls If we actually pull this off, it will be hilarious. A video will be posted in the Live From Mission Control subforum and on YouTube.
  13. Yeah lol you guys should read SCP-871. Keter+Cake=Winning
  14. Hey, guys. DoctorSpaceman here! Just wondering if anybody around here plays SCP:CB or reads the SCP wiki. There were a couple of old threads on this topic, but they were dead. It's gotten pretty popular lately, and I figured I'd make a new thread for it. I'm actually a member on their site, from back before it was cool, and I'm glad it's getting more recognition. My favorite SCP so far? SCP-006-J Absolutely. Frickin. Hilarious.
  15. Thanks, [spoiler AHEAD] I found the teleportation nodes on the hourglass twins and i figured that was it. Never could get them to work though. [spoiler OVER]. I guess I'll have to take another look at Brittle Hollow then.
  16. Lol I have actually never seen the purge. I was referring to that time the forums got borked a few months ago. I need to check out that movie on IMDb though...
  17. Deses's comment just gave me a great idea! Find some mod that i can convert into a harpoon shooter, build a whaling boat/spaceship/thingy, and go on a kraken hunting expedition! Then, i'll capture it and whenever a get tired of a space station, I'll simply "RELEASE THE KRAKEN!" and be done! Nasty bit of work in OP's pic though. Would hate to be that poor guy lol
  18. Same thing I do with every new update lol. Memorialize the old one in some obscure folder, start a new world, and keep on exploring!
  19. Hey, how do i get to the middle of Giant's Deep? I've tried everything and it just won't work. :/
  20. Hi! I'm DoctorSpaceman, and I just got around to remaking my account after the Great Purge. At any rate, most of you probably don't remember me, so here it is. I live in the SE United States, I'm in high school, I enjoy hunting, playing football, watching football (Specifically the Crimson Tide), Daft Punk music, and of course, blowing up rockets in KSP. So, that's me, cheers, and I'll be seeing you around!
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