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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Seems like my first successful landing took forever. In fact, I couldn't help but wonder how scared the kerbal must have felt when in low mun orbit you could look down and see the sun glinting off of debris on the surface from all the previous attempts. Felt great when I finally pulled it off though.
  2. So I'm trying to build my first ship to leave the home system, go to another planet and return. I'm having issues with my design. Please give me the reasons this sucks. As you can see, at power, even with 2 of 3 engines off I have stability issues. Lander has fuel tank on it still, was going to use all of it before getting rid of it. This assumes I ever make it anywhere. Are my issues because i've attached parts with engines with docking ports? Oh yeah, I'm using stock parts only. Thanks.
  3. Ok, i tried again and the probe worked that time. Maybe the battery was dead? I tried on the sun side this time... Still doesn't solve the problem of how crappy my ship is, lol.
  4. That's correct, when I uncouple them they show as debris.
  5. Ok, here's the probe, and then a picture of what look like on the station core.
  6. They did, i coupled them to a strut with docking ports and launched them with my main space station core. As soon as i uncoupled them... debris... couldn't fly them.
  7. Well, I finally managed to assemble a manned space station and was ready to depart for another planet for the very first time! Yes!! But... It sucked... I was trying to push my whole station with one nuclear engine. Yeah.. 50+ minute burn... um, no.... So... Post some pictures of your long range space craft. I have also seen people mention that they have small probes they can drop from their ships... How? I tried this, but as soon as I released the probe it became "debris".
  8. Hopefully that shows up. If Jeb goes any higher he falls, can't move forward to the platform. I had this issue once before on a moon but the gravity was low so I was able to jetpack to the hatch. Wouldn't work on the mun though. So the idea is, large lander, he climbs to the first platform and then walks to the other ladders. Yes, I know, I suck at this game. But i still have fun.
  9. Trying to use the ladders... No matter how i put them on my lander Jeb climbs to the top and then falls down. What's the trick? Do i have to have it going straight to the lander hatch and not the platform in front of it? Maybe I'm better off asking for pictures of your landers that have ladders so I can see how you use them. Thanks.
  10. Oops. Sorry. Been avoiding installing mechjeb. Oh well. Thanks for the tip.
  11. It'd be nice to be able to unlock a module that would do everything an add on like mechjeb or others do. This is something spacecraft can do so it's not unreasonable.
  12. Well, i managed to get within 1.2km... Scott Manly makes it look so easy..
  13. Well, I'll keep trying. At some point I'm bound to do it. Thanks for the tips.
  14. The first time? Good grief I've been trying for months. I've watched the videos, people make it look so easy. I managed to get within 6km one time! hah! I'm not cheating, or using Mechjeb or any other tool. I guess that's my problem.
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