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Posts posted by fancycat

  1. 18 hours ago, Periple said:

    Have you contacted an IG community manager directly? If Steam have denied 10 requests it’s really unlikely they’ll grant it, you’re just frustrating yourself.

    It’s also possible you’ll just have to write this one off and be more careful to stay within the refund window the next time you try an EA game (or otherwise take a chance on something).

    I sent an email to private division support days ago but it was ignored completely.  I kept clicking "my issue is not resolved" forcing the ticket to stay open after each response with steam until they forced the ticket closed so I just opened a new one and will keep asking.

    I cant find any contact info for the IG community manager

  2. What options do I have if steam denies my refund request.  I only played a few hours and I encountered hundreds of game breaking bugs but because I didnt request the refund within a few weeks its been denied.


    I feel a little scammed.   Is there any options I can do like with the website or emails?

  3. I am experiencing a Bug.  I used the delete button on the window with the extra info window extended and the whole window closed with no more maneuver nodes and now I can not create any nodes at all.  I have reset and reloaded my game and maneuver nodes are completely broken.

    Clicking on the path does nothing.   

    Any help at all would be appreciated.  Thanks for your time.


    I cant make any maneuver nodes on any of my flights in the game.  I also cant target anything like my mouse clicks do nothing in the map at all.


    I have tried everything.  nothing fixes it.  As far as I can tell I can never make maneuver nodes again in any of my games no matter what I do, KSP is completely broken....


  4. I have had a few good ones. One landing on two or three on lathe and atmosphere probes on jool and eve.

    the experts use a tad of planning for when to transfer to another body. choosing when you launch can make the difference between a two min burn and a 30 second burn when transferring to another body. my first attempt to land on eve took me a three min continuous burn with a high powered engine and my second attempt actually only took 24 seconds. I have also used the moons gravity to gain kerbin escape with much less fuel.

    so each planet has a time (usually once or twice a year) where it is the easiest to get there and that is called the transfer window. the best way to measure it is by using the angle. by drawing a line from kerbin to the sun and then from the sun to your target planet, then measuring the angle between the two. the transfer window is usually given in degrees. I hope this helps.

  5. Reduced mass.

    This is because both objects are moving. You can either think of it as each object being attracted by a baricenter at reduced mass, or you can think of it as gravitational potential energy ending up being split between the two objects. Either way, you end up with velocity less by sqrt(2). And that's the correct answer.

    so we have to devide by two before taking the root. why isnt this in the solution on the key? so weird.

  6. Yup. You forgot the reduced mass.

    there is no change in mass. both objects have the same mass which is a constant.


    with 1e^3 / 1e^2 = 10 on my calculator

    this is a physics 1 class so some stuff isn't present. G=6.67x10^-11 for this class.

  7. this is a webassign homework problem that reads...

    "Two neutron stars are separated by a distance of 2.5x10^10 m. They each have a mass of 2.5x10^30 kg and a radius of 1.0x10^5 m. They are initially at rest with respect to each other. As measured from that rest frame, how fast are they moving just before collision."

    the answer that the system gave me as the right answer is 28'874'613.94 m/s this is the correct answer for the problem according to the answer key. the equation given by the answer key as the correct way to solve this is the one I provided above.

  8. yes it is a problem dealing with the velocity of two spheres that start at rest at a distance 2.5*10^10 the radius of the spheres are both 100000 each so starting distance is 2xrxd where d is the distance from surface to surface. because it is a gravity problem i need to measure distance between the centers of each sphere.

  9. So I am working on some college physics homework but my calculator is giving me an answer that is off by over 10 million.

    my equation is sq root (2GM(1/a -1/b)) where G = 6.67*10^-11 M= 2.5*10^30 a= 200000 and b = 200000+2.5*10^10

    the confirmed correct answer is 28'874'613.94 however my calculator gives me an answer that is over 40 million. can anyone please help me figure out what is wrong.

    I have also plugged my formula into wolfram alpha and got over 40 million. a friend with a graphing calculator got the correct answer but I am not allowed to use one of those. I have tried braking it up and doing it one piece at a time and i have tried doing it as one chunk bot times I got over 40 million. a friend with a standard calculator also gets over 40 million.

    I have been working on this for 6 hrs on friday and 3 hrs today. if anyone can help me figure out how to do this on a standard calculator i would be eternally grateful.

    my calculator: Sharp EL-531X

  10. Ok so I have watched so many tutorials and a few things are always left out

    number 1: disabling pod torque will allow your control surfaces to do the work.

    number 2: a lot of aircraft have the problem of not taking off until you fall off the end of the runway, to help with this try putting your rear landing gear closer to the center of mass.

    number 3: if yo are having trouble getting your center of lift behind your center of mass try adding a long central tail so you can add winglets to the back to move your COL back and give you more pitch authority.

    have fun :)

  11. I am having trouble getting my center of lift just behind my center of mass without having my wings in the very back of the aircraft or my engines in the very front. Also if i do manage to get that part right my planes seem to have no power to pull up at all, they just leave the run way, pull up to a max angle of 5 degrees and slowly descend into the ocean.

    Anyway I was hoping someone might be able to give me some design advice to help with this.

  12. I would recommend making the science units a one time only use device.. for example the specimen container, once opened to an environment will generate a report and then be unusable. the specimen inside is now affected by that one environment and exposing it to others would do nothing but taint the integrity of your experiment. reusable experiments in a flight would be limited to crew reports so the player now has to design flights for specific missions rather than gaining max science points in their first three or four flights.

    otherwise it looks great, I will look forward to seeing it :)

  13. People often talk about renewable energy, or energy that wont run out as it is harvested or exploited. From a physics stand point this concept is very strange to me.

    Let's imagine for example that you put a wind turbine on the side of an acceding rocket. The turbine will generate a lot of electricity from rushing through the air, however this electricity is harvested from the force of the rockets momentum and manifests in the form of extra drag.

    With solar energy there is no question as it comes from the sun burning itself out over a long period of time and that energy is being produced whether or not we make use of it. However with wind turbines, wouldn't their be an inherent slow down of wind that impacts the turbines?

    if energy cannot be created or destroyed then converting the kinetic energy of the wind to electricity might cause some kind of inherent effects.

    Granted these effects would be much less than what is caused by a large square building. I am not trying to preach about save the world or anything, I am just generally curious about the physics of it. Is wind and weather slimier to solar in that that energy is being used regardless of our exploitation of it?

    (side note)

    I hope one day to have a form of green generator for the sake of saving on my power bill.. my word power companies are expletive!

    also solar energy relies on using solar power to knock electrons from the solar cell? if this is the case wont a solar cell become depleted after a while, as the positive ions begin to outnumber the available uncharged atoms of the crystal structure?

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