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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. You're right! I reinstalled the latest version and it worked. Thank you so much for helping Apologies for wasting your time.
  2. I tried reinstalling everything and tried the solutions you provided but it still doesnt show it.
  3. I tried using CKAN but it's still not showing up. Here is my output log: http://www.megafileupload.com/dsNW/output_log.txt
  4. I do have all of the dependencies installed. However Remote Tech isn't in the Contact Configuration tab.
  5. I tried doing that but when I open KSP I don't see any RT-Contracts. Do you need a specific research node other than electrics?
  6. Hello I am new here and I was just wondering if it was even possible to save during a flight so that u have a backup in case the mission fails, so that u dont have to start it all over again...
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