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Mirai The Kerbonaut

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Everything posted by Mirai The Kerbonaut

  1. I Just heard that they said there a bad lands biome what is it like???
  2. Post here some pictures of your any planet full of debris!
  3. Just asking when is the release of the 0.22 update just curious i know that the media team has the first look just asking.
  4. Why you guys dont put your space station in 75 Km in space i mean less height less fuel consumption right???
  5. Try putting the landing gears on the wings that should help if not try a different design this happen to me alot when i was a newb
  6. try using either shift + w/a/s/d keys if still nothing try putting your wings back of the plane well if it does not work at all you must have Jeb flying your plane.
  7. Can you guys please name a kerbal like this : Mirai Kerman Thanks
  8. This thread or post is for people who are new and can know eachother so time to introduce yourselves!!! also my name is mirai the kerbonaut i wonder if squad can name a kerbal (Mirai Kerman)
  9. Need Height of Gravity turns and also exact thrust and fuel Efficient Please May this post help other people and me learn how to get to orbit
  10. I have been trying but how to put profile pic on the forums?
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