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Posts posted by Deses

  1. Jebediah was lost while he was piloting a new plane i had built for him at 1,528m/s, then he crashed upon landing.... Poor soul.

    He's now listed as "lost" in 0.21.1, will i be able to recruit him again or is he lost for all eternity, his restless soul condemned to wander the plane hangar?

    R.I.P. Jebediah, he was a good man, his family and friends will never forget him.

  2. Maybe the Damned Robotics parts are looking specifically for a plugin file called MuMechLib.dll?

    If you've moved the files to the Infernal Robotics directory, which is 0.20+ structured, you'd need to add the part{/} to the 0.19 style part.cfg files?

    [Edit] the DR v1.3 files don't seem to be calling a specifically named plugin, but they do seem to be missing the "part {" and the start and "}" at the end which 0.20 requires for non-legacy part.cfg files, I'll test that shortly

    I didn't use MuMech.dll because this post said so, or did I misunderstand?

    No, the parts can't be looking for a specific .dll. Your problem is different, the folder with the plugin needs to be named "plugins​".

    Ok, I had that error, but now that I fixed it, the DR parts aren't showing in the VAB, only the docking washers.

  3. I moved around some files trying to get this working, so I don't have the files like I said in the previous folder.

    The current file structure is as follows:

    GameData\MagicSmokeIndustries\Parts ->

    • dockingwasher_free
    • dockingwasher_jr
    • dockingwasher_sr
    • dockingwasher_std
    • DRarmtruss1
    • DRarmtruss2
    • DRclaw
    • DRcylinder1
    • DRdoorhinge
    • DRhinge1
    • DRrotatron

    GameData\MagicSmokeIndustries\Plugin ->

    • InfernalRobotics.dll

    I did that based on a random YouTube comment, but it didn't work.

    Previously I had it like this:

    GameData\DamnedRobotics\Parts ->

    • DRarmtruss1
    • DRarmtruss2
    • DRclaw
    • DRcylinder1
    • DRdoorhinge
    • DRhinge1
    • DRrotatron

    GameData\DamnedRobotics\Plugin ->

    • InfernalRobotics.dll

    GameData\MagicSmokeIndustries\Parts ->

    • dockingwasher_free
    • dockingwasher_jr
    • dockingwasher_sr
    • dockingwasher_std

    GameData\MagicSmokeIndustries\Plugin ->

    • InfernalRobotics.dll

    And it didn't do much good. What am I missing? D:

    Thanks for the help.

  4. I don't think I installed this correctly...

    Let's see: I downloaded Damned Robotics, put all the parts in the Parts folder, but did not include the MuMechLib.dll as sirkut said.

    Then, downloaded his Magic Smoke Industries' Docking washers, added the parts and the InfernalRobotics.dll.

    So far so good, but when I enter VAB, and look for the parts, I don't see anything but two truss under Structure tab, I don't see or find anything else. Where are they? Did I screw up something?

  5. Is there any way to put parts folded and then, when deployed, unfold them?

    I have a big probe that I want to make smaller by folding the arms holding the solar panels so it can fit in the fairings:


    If there is no way to do that now, I'm giving you a good idea for modders to develop! :P

    Thanks for the help.

  6. Well, the question pretty much sums it up, I'm having problems with the darn things. I have rockets in asparagus staging, and I set the sepratrons to the default position (black thruster down) the things seems to work, but almost every time the debris collide with the other rockets, so I figured that the thruster should be pointing down, no? That way the debris is pulled down and the rocket keeps going up without problems, right? Wrong! That makes everything worse. The debris goes UP even faster than the rocket. Finally, I figured that it should be pointing out! That was the worst idea ever.

    So... what is the correct configuration? Everything is crashing and exploding, like fireworks! But I want reach orbit. ;_;

    Maybe it's because the wings? Should I remove them and place them somewhere else?

    And some pictures of the rocket:

    Rockets pointing down:


    Wooooooooh!! Woops, this is going to end badly.


  7. [OffTopic]I would edit to add another photo, but I'm still with babysitter... errr, I mean, have to be moderated. :( How many post do I need to begin posting freely?[/OffTopic]

    Here is a photo that shows the throttle to max, the resources (electricity is always topped, xenon is slowly depleting) yet the engine is not glowing! But the status says that has a little bit of thrust and fuel flow. Is that supposed to be right?


    Thanks for the help!

  8. I have a satellite on Kerbal orbit, and today I wanted to change the orbit, but when I give full thrust it's not doing anything, it consumes xenon and electricity but the engine is not glowing with that neat blue haze.

    It's because the satellite is too big? I though it would be enough in space. :(

    And thanks for the help!

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