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  1. I made a ship in orbit successfully for the first time in LKO. The ship is made of three modules: An engine module with two nuke engines and a poodle engin in the center with an x200 tank for backup fuel, a fuel module of two x200 tanks and a cmd module with 3 man cockpit and science lab. Each piece had a poodle engine with fuel tank to get it to the rendevouz as well as a large RCS tank with control thrusters and large docking ports. Each module also has a large AI block in it so each piece can be autonomously controlled if required. there are also fixed solar panels all around the ship with 2-4 z400 battery packs radially attached. the actual cockpit can be jettisoned from the science lab and has a parachute attached in the event of catastrophic or intential lithobraking attempt on a planet with atmosphere. The main issue with the ship is either the force of the engines or the amount of fuel as the ship used up half of its fuel getting to the Mun. I did start at a roughly 100-150K orbit so maybe the nuke engines might have been having issues with that. Anyone got any ideas for improvements?
  2. So I used my first interplanetary ship and set off for Duna which ended with the probe hurtling towards Duna's surface at 220 m/s. I tried again with a different ship(which is from here)and went off for Duna once more. As I looked at my orbit I thought Dres doesn't seem that far (relatively) I think I might try and go there. I managed to get an orbit that merged with Dres's and I elected to wait it out to save fuel. After 1 and a half years drifting I decided to try and alter the orbit and try again which also failed. Broken, I decided to make a break for Eve with the fuel I had left, of which I didn't have enough of. Does anyone know a decent plan to get to Dres? Like an opposite facing orbit or waiting for the right angle or something similar?
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