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Everything posted by UtopiaV1

  1. I didn't even know you COULD use custom flags until I visited this forum! I will now vomit something out in paint, and pretend it's the Mona Lisa of flags!
  2. I got this bug before, if you pick up the entire rocket minus the command module, then put the rocket back under the command module again, the game puts the rocket back as best it can (as it remembers). Sometimes struts are misalligned, and fuel-lines aren't connected properly to other tanks. Just re-connect all struts and fuel lines again. And make sure you don't loop fuel tank feeds, my ships start spinning against all reason and physics when I do that!
  3. Maneuver nodes are a bit overwhelming when you first start this game, but once you've played around with them you find out just how incredibly amazingly useful they are, essentially letting you trial orbital-transfers without spending a single ounze of fuel, until you get it just right. Once in steady Kerbin orbit, left-click a point on your flightpath, click the button that pops up, and just mess around with the settings (coloured markers that pop up around the node). Best to do that for a good 10 minutes, just get a feel for what it does, and you can delete it at any time by left-clicking the centre-circle again and pressing the red cross. Obviously this isn't autopilot, so don't drift past a node and wonder why nothing happened, like I did for a the first half-dozen times I set one up!
  4. Best read this thread, contains a video with the most efficient landing technique (for none-atmospheric conditions) - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/39999-Maximise-Landing-efficiency
  5. I love threads like this, great for new rover ideas! I'm rubbish at building rovers, always unstable or too heavy, but the ones posted here are fantastic! And mostly automated as well, so no need to strand anymore Kerbals on other worlds now! Just wish I could play KSP at work...
  6. I heard about it on www.shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale, convinced me to download the demo, and then I was hooked! Best purchase I've made all year!
  7. Videos are entertaining, and so informative that they should be in the dang game already! Excellent for newbie pilots like me
  8. Yeah, did the decent again last night, and when landed, drove around the surface for a good 2-3 hours, nothing doing. Can't find it the ghosts again, seems to have just been the smoke glitching from my engines during the decent. Btw, no mods, never used MechJeb, I like my games vanilla (at least until I've visted every planet/moon at least once), and definitly not easy! If anyone has the coords for those other easter eggs on the planet I'd love to pay them a visit, but my rover only does 10km on flat surface tops, so will take a loooong time to drive to them
  9. Hi all, new to the forums, but have greatly admired it from afar for a while... Something happened the other night, and I wish to all holy Jeb that i screen-capped it, during my first decent onto Duna with a heavy-rover. During the airbreaking (at about 10k metres, maybe less), I saw a column of white smoke, about the size of a man (or maybe two kerbals, one on the other's shoulders) on the surface of the planet, appear for just a few seconds, then disappear. I don't think it had any limbs, but it did tail-off at the bottom, suggesting it wasn't just a cloud or anything, and it was off the decent path my rover was taking. I know Duna is the stand-in for Mars in this game, so... are there ghosts on Duna? I know there are a fair few easter eggs in this game, but this one wasn't static so I don't know what to think... Has anyone else spotted anything like this? I will try to replicate the anomoly again with another craft I want to land on Duna, and definitly screen-cap it when I see it again! Updates later tonight (after I get in from work).
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