Hi all, new to the forums, but have greatly admired it from afar for a while... Something happened the other night, and I wish to all holy Jeb that i screen-capped it, during my first decent onto Duna with a heavy-rover. During the airbreaking (at about 10k metres, maybe less), I saw a column of white smoke, about the size of a man (or maybe two kerbals, one on the other's shoulders) on the surface of the planet, appear for just a few seconds, then disappear. I don't think it had any limbs, but it did tail-off at the bottom, suggesting it wasn't just a cloud or anything, and it was off the decent path my rover was taking. I know Duna is the stand-in for Mars in this game, so... are there ghosts on Duna? I know there are a fair few easter eggs in this game, but this one wasn't static so I don't know what to think... Has anyone else spotted anything like this? I will try to replicate the anomoly again with another craft I want to land on Duna, and definitly screen-cap it when I see it again! Updates later tonight (after I get in from work).