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Posts posted by illuscion

  1. Thanks for the help guys, i didnt really have a problem getting close, i remember getting an encounter as close as 1.9km one time i tried. Where i was obviously failing, now that you guys have said it, is that i was completely clueless to the point that i needed to match velocities with the target. i thought i needed to get as close to the target and that was it. I'll give these tutorials a go and see which one works best for me. Question though, how long did it take you guys to get rendezvous/docking down?

  2. so after about a year? i've returned to KSP and lots has changed, i was the definition of a newb when i left but now i'm getting the hang of it, but there's one thing i just cant seem to do and thats the "Orbital rescue mission over Kerbin" contract. Orbital rendezvous is the bane of my kerbal existence. i should probably note that i have not unlocked RCS thrusters as yet.What would you guys recommend watching to help nail this bit of KSP. oh and i tried Scott manley's orbital rendezvous tutorial but he can get too technical too fast for new players like me.

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