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    Hyperdrive Engineer

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  1. What is this budget thing everyones talking about? Does it relate to the research or something. I mean like where do you get money from or your budget. Even without one getting into orbit is difficult for me...
  2. Would be funny to watch them burn up on re-entry.
  3. ...You're building impossible design that you know wont work.
  4. I still struggle to orbit stuff in the first place. Spent 5 hours+ trying per session...
  5. It would have looked good but not of had the gameplay element. Its about getting a balance.
  6. Tried to build a crane out of struts and girder. It wobbled all over the place before tipping my thing over. After about 40 or so attempts at this adding weight ect I went for a different approach. A VTOL ship with a KAS crane on each side so I could land it on top and winch things up. I failed and smashed into the top, lost a jet engine and it went out of control...
  7. Its easy, but only if you have a consistent framerate as if you dont judging speed is, well, impossible.
  8. Game runs like a dream now. Does it use all four cores or something now?
  9. Ah ok thanks. Before reading your relies I gave it a shot altering my plane.... Ran out of oxidiser... Crashing back to kerbin
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