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Everything posted by Beekerson

  1. Quick question about the server joining and such, as I've been thinking about trying this. Any server on that unofficial sever list I'm welcome to just pop in, right? Like I wouldn't be intruding on other people? If that is the case then would there be any other ones I could go to? I really don't know about servers, communities and such as I don't tend to play in public multiplayer too often.
  2. Hmm, well Eeloo is probably so far out that the Kraken has its way with anything, even at time warp.. I my self haven't had frame rate drops close to a planet or mun while warping fast, only Eeloo... And if you think nuclear engine is slow, don't use the Ion engine, takes a life time to get anywhere.
  3. Forgive me if this isn't the place for this, as I'm relatively new to the whole internet form thing... This is kind of a long loop to get to the point, but I'm not too sure if some of the information is relevant or not. Recently I took the challenge of doing a Grand Tour of the solar system, well not exactly, just a mission to plant at least one flag in every system. One thing in need is to scan the objects I'm going to so I can get Kethane to refuel my lander. I launched a bunch of probes to the planets, moons, dwarf planets, I'm going too. My scanner for Eeloo was the most resent. I don't experience lag around objects that don't have an ocean, I guess Eeloo is a special case. While I was scanning at 1000X time acceleration I had a noticeable frame rate drop, the video becoming very choppy. Summery: Frame rate around Eeloo drops while I'm at 1000X time acceleration or higher. I have Kethane scanners and MecJeb on a relatively small probe, less than 100 parts. I have around 20 active flights.
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