The other day I was at a friend of a friend's house, and it somehow came up that he had just downloaded KSP but didn't really know what the hell he was doing. I of course got excited and started talking about it and next thing I know I'm sitting at his computer designing a mun rocket with about 4 guys watching intently. I guess I had talked a little too loudly about being a Sierra Hotel Rocketship Pilot. Anyhow, I somehow manage to design (no math - totally seat of pants) a simple munship, launch and achieve orbit on the first try, transfer successfully, land using only the keyboard (first try), plant the flag, and achieve munar orbit. Of course by now I'm desperately low on fuel, but the hard parts are done, right? I'm still playing it Scott Manly cool though, set up my transfer burn and used up the very last bit of fuel getting a Kerbo reentry trajectory. I did not equip RCS on my ship (or panels -- whoops!) Splashed down with authoritah in the sea off of KSC. Stood up and finished my beer like I did that sort of thing all the time. Hopefully I got another one hooked on this game -Buzzed