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Everything posted by calkhi

  1. I have no idea what you need help with right now, but I have zero experience in working with KSP. The most I've done is some stuff for skyrim, and that was rigging models for a couple of people. However, I can offer help in very, very specific bug testing. I mean, we're talking I will actively try to break the game with your mod installed and take notes on exactly how I did it, and give them to you. However, beyond that, I can't help much. I'd need to read "Unity for dummies" before I could. Come to think of that, I should buy a few "for dummies" books on programming. World needs more programmers. So, if any help regarding testing is needed, I'll lend it. Otherwise, I'm no use.
  2. Nvrm, everyone. I just reverted because I got nick of seeing a kerbal hanging by his helmet. Timewarp did bumpkin and moving only got him wedge deeper. That's an hour of work lost, but w/e. You can't get everything.
  3. Now, I'm not sure if this should be a bug report or not, but my kerbal is basically stuck in between the main body of the ship and some strapped on fuel tanks on the side. He can't EVA pack out, and he can't move. Are there and commands or cheats I can use to get him out? Note, I am landed on mun, and all the base are all belong to me. -EDIT-I just reverted.
  4. Alright, I'm just going to say this now. I'm having issues with KSP, mainly with mods not loading(properly) and save files becoming corrupted. I can build with mechjeb and whatnot, but the parts have no data values to them. Useless, in all respects. I'm not going to be able to contribute jack**** to anything any time soon, so yea. Now I'm not asking anyone here for help, but if any of you have any idea at what is going on, it would be nice to know.
  5. The issue of them sounding reaper-y is simply this; They would have to (a)Have a foundry that looked like a Kerbal and (b)Have to have massive flagships that looked like other alien races and, last but not least, ©Need to assume direct control over small(In relative size comparisons.) automated drones that they send to scout a planet's surface.
  6. Scratch that, engineers blew up world, loading backups.
  7. Resnat Inc is proud to provide our concept for a Mun Orbital Station. It comes fully equipped with a long-range, high-gain antenna for near-instant communication with Kerbin, a science bay for continued, and extensive research of Mun, and two docking ports for miniature Mun landers, in which you will be able to land on the mun, gain scientific data, and return it to the lab for processing. Our engineers are still working on the design for the landers, but we expect them to finish within the next hour. Blueprints: http://www./view/bpmoepckauuow4z/Mun_Orbital_Station.craft
  8. Quick question, do you use extraplanetary launchpads? and for that matter, orbital construction? I've got an idea for a Minmus surface base. The only thing missing is the defence towers for it.
  9. Ok, so, I recall a very important tidbit of information I mentioned, you know, the whole "this post is total BS and I know it" thing. No to be insulting or anything, but often, when I mention that I know that I'm wrong by the laws of physics, and proven quantum physics, it often is ignored.(I have no idea why, though.) That being said, once I get home from this blasted place of "education" I am in, I will proceed to upload some pictures and a few craft files. That being said, ever had a kerbal in interplanetary space, no Delta/V to spare, and a four year wait period for a return burn? Don't ask, I hate explaining failures.
  10. Note, an anti-graviton may produce a repulsing force on all the objects near-by. I have no idea because nothing has been recorded on them except that they don't exist.
  11. Theoretically, no. But in the line of thought, if something like that was to exists, it would have to have negative mass, with an opposite charge. But since there is no such thing as negative mass, we can assume that such a thing does not exist. However, if something were to have negative mass, or, rather, the lack of mass that should be there which is not, then yes. When viewed as a quantum object which, quantum science has already proved everything I'm about to say wrong, albite, with many holes due to other quantum theories that are rising up right now. Now, lets say, there is a way to measure a black hole, accurately, and without dieing, and we find that a black hole actually weighs nothing.(Which we know can not be, as they do exist and are actively "consuming" matter all the time.) Now, knowing that, we could indeed say that the black hole has negative mass, even though the mass is equal to zero, and simply can not go below zero. But we know that the matter is still there, but we can now assume that it is not there because the black hole weighs nothing. The weight, or mass, of the matter is placed in another dimension, while the existence of the matter, in a highly condensed form, is here in our universe. Therefor since something can not weigh nothing, but can be infinitely small, and yet here this black hole weighs nothing, we can assume that, around objects with a high enough gravitational force, so high that it wears a hole in the dimensional barriers of space, that it can deposit its mass into another dimension, that it can and will create an anti-graviton. Long story short, massive, universe eating black hole that weighs nothing may generate anti-gravitons. This is most likely all bull****, but hey, it's a semi-plausible explanation.
  12. And Resnat is hard at work. Trust me, they are. Do you know how damned hard it is to set up a manned mission to Jool. Project Eden, which for some reason, was given the nickname "S.S. Make **** up" by the captain. To say the least, the AI aboard is happy we installed a humor overlay before takeoff. Que Flight of the Bees.
  13. Hello, and welcome to Resnat Inc. I'm Gerit Yarsh-Ritin and I've been permitted to share with you one of our first orbital vessels. As you can see, the Stock Orbital Vessel, or SOV, is minimalistic in design, but carries the craft easily into LKO. With a total payload or add on capacity of 1 ton (Weight of your Kerbal friends not included!) we could easily launch a small probe ment to figure out just what in the heck was going on in the skies above. We did not do that. Instead, all current construction resources will be diverted to the construction and launch on the [sTATEMENT REDACTED]. It is my regret that I can not tell you more about the [sTATEMENT REDACTED] but I assure you, it will carry us the the stars and beyond! While we've been slow to reach launch capabilities for our previous plans of the Orbital Space Dock for Every Planet, I assure you we've not forgotten! It is my sincere hope you will all follow us in our journey aboard the [sTATEMENT REDACTED]. [THIS MESSAGE BOARD HAS BEEN MODERATED BY RESNAT INC TO AVOID POSSIBLE THREAT FROM AN ORGANIZATION UNKNOWN THAT CURRENTLY CALLS ITSELF, THE SWARM. WE APOLOGIZE FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE WE HAVE CAUSED AND HOPE WE MIGHT RECTIFY IT BY MAKING THE BLUEPRINTS TO THE SOV AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC. THANKYOU.] http://www./view/84sa11v0ri96279/Stock%20orbital%20craft_.craft
  14. Organization suggestion(If you are still accepting.) Name: Resnat Inc. Desc: Resnat Inc. is a conglomerate of some of the most wealthy Kerbal families. It's founder, Almit Kermin(Yes, that is spelled correctly. You can't seriously expect there only to be one family line of Kerbals, can you?) envisioned a massive Orbital station around every planet and mun there is in the Kerbol system. Motto: If it don't got a station yet, we just haven't reached the launch window! Founders: Almit Kermin, Elsa Ritin, Garo Mattid, and Ichabold Yarsh. Spokesperson: Gerit Yarsh-Ritin Specialty: Building orbital stations to ensure further development of the Kerbol system. Background during stuff(The previous chapters. Choose to use this if you want, it can mean something, or nothing.): Resnat Inc. Has chosen to remain quiet throughout the entire SWARM confrontation. During that time, they worked to develop a space-worthy plane that was quick to launch, easy to fly, could reach to an at the edge of Kerbin SOI orbit, and return. The original purpose of the plane was to launch repair parts and raw materials to the first Orbital Repair Dock and Ship Construction Yard around High Kerbin Orbit. Resnat Inc has existed for years(1.0) but never decided to take part in any major space exploration, until Almit was placed in charge of the main operations. The first ORDaSCY is scheduled to launch in the next couple of years.(Yes, as of the current point in the story.) However, a mission to Eve is currently in the final construction planning stage, and will be ready to launch in a couple on months. Note: I'll have the craft files and some pictures soon. But I'm beat and I have to work another 14 hour shift tomorrow in retail. Ah retail, the bane of human existence.
  15. Could someone please explain to me how this mod works now? I'm freakin lost to hell on it. Used to be so simple... Seriously, I can't research the part. Is that a bug?
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