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    I do things on the internet

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  1. Hey, Can you get on steam? You have some stuff to talk to me about

  2. 9 months later We can finally say this series is coming back! - Not that silly little tease Zoo said 9 months ago, I'm talking we are actually doing it, We were planning back then, things got in the way, another year to wait waiting on zoo to upload teaser video to put here Edit:Quick bit here, Videos are going to be edited a lot better, Different software. Background stuff should be a lot better, Music will be slightly better as well. We hope for a less rough Season 2
  3. May I get name changed to "Fires" Someone currently has that name taken but their profile seems to be AFK and they never get on. If not, "FiresThatBurn" old steam name that I had, it works. Fires is prefered but if you cant get it it's alright
  4. Thats not cool dude, I really dislike the new aerodynamics mainly because I'm not use to em and I enjoy making huge absurd ships.
  5. banned for not busting enough myths
  6. I keep getting errors when loading my ship. Loading the default Kerbal-X Ship http://gyazo.com/d61b830f91700455ad38f3f82f775f89 error ^
  7. A real time spreadsheet of an economy? Oooh! Maybe something like gas, You would have to pay for Kethane, Or some sort of order system. If I'm understanding this concept correctly....
  8. Could I have my own moon operation dedicated to mining Kethane and then sending it back to earth, then trucking it to the space center where people can use it to fuel their crafts?
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