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Posts posted by DrGonzo

  1. I'm honestly having trouble with science. Even as an experienced player. I disabled all my mods when update .22 came out because I really wanted to give career mode a legit run. Do I have to get my craft back to earn science? Every time I go to transmit data it says "not enough battery" and I'm only able to send like 5% back. What am I doing wrong here?

  2. So, you gather science for each canister on the craft? I'm having a little trouble understanding how it works. Are you transmitting the data back or clicking "keep data"? Is there a good science tutorial out there yet? I know it's a lot of questions but the most I've gotten out of a mission, in which I orbited the mun, I only brought back like 45 science. Thanks, any help would be greatly appreciated.

  3. I won't call it hate but here are a few bugs that have made me go "Ugh!!!" in the past.

    1. Building a huge ship only to realize that you've built something that the game engine won't let you launch. I guess I should know I'm doing something wrong when it starts taking ten full seconds to place a strut :wink:

    2. Glitchy target markers and intersect points. I'm one who likes to switch back and forth between target vessel and docking vessel while performing a rendezvous and it seems to add partial lines all over the place with each switch.

    3. The fact that Kerbals keep re boarding my pod no matter how many times I take them out. I'm not a good preplanner, so I end up doing a lot of unmanned rescue missions to retrieve Kerbals sitting on planets and moons.

    What do I love about the game:

    1. The open ended story line and the feeling that I'm building something truly unique.

    What am I excited about for the future of KSP:

    1. Career mode

    2. Interstellar travel

    3. Reasons to do things like build bases, send out probes, and set up stations.

  4. Thanks so much everyone. I understand a lot more about the capabilities of the game. I've taken the advice of many and am trying to build optimized ships. I still love this game and have logged over 100 hours already. I really appreciated the thoughtful responses.

    Now if I can only figure out how to mark this thread as answered...

  5. I'm running:

    i7 930 bloomfield 2.8 overclocked to 4.09

    GTX 760s in SLI

    6g Ram

    250gig SSD

    The only plugins I'm using are:

    Editor Extensions by MachXXV

    Docking Port Alignment Indicator by NavyFish

    Subassembly Manager by TheUndeadFish

    This particular ship doesn't use parts from subassembly manager. But I have used the Editor Extensions on it. The thing is quite huge. I'll let you know the exact number of pieces when I get home later. Thanks for taking the time to look at this.

  6. Hey all, so I can't help myself from building gigantic ships. Last night I built one so big that the game freezes when I go to launch it. The one time I did get it to launch, the frames and lag were so bad that it was taking a full minute after hitting the space bar for the action to set in.

    Any tips?

    EDIT: Also, any idea if this will get better with future updates?

  7. I found the most difficult thing with docking an extremely large ship with a large station is the amount of time it takes to turn the things. I ran out of RCS fuel on my vessel before I made it to the station. Turning those things is like turning an ocean liner. Also, the station wobbles like mad even when making subtle adjustments. I guess that's why patience was key for me. I had to make such subtle changes. Moving the vessel back and forth between prograde and retrograde, in order to get the speed and alignment perfect was extremely time consuming while only having SAS to rely on.

    Edit: The good news is, after docking a "three large tank" vessel into the station, docking small ships (one large tank) has become VERY easy.

  8. Hey all!

    I just thought I would post a picture of my fueling station (as I'm calling it now). The main reason is because I've never felt a greater feeling of success in a game than docking without mods in KSP. Especially when I docked the giant three tank stack to my station. After almost eight hours of game play and nearly two hours of very subtle adjustments when within 100 meters of the target, just when I thought my ports were bugged, I switched to controlling from the station, made a very small SAS adjustment and wallah, it snapped to that glorious extended view that indicates docking.

    Anyway, let me know what you think.


  9. Thanks a lot everybody! This has all been a great help. The community seems very friendly.

    I've achieved my first stable orbit. It isn't a circle at all though. It goes flying out almost to the moons orbital path before coming back in and around very close to home planet.

  10. Hello All!

    So, I just bought the game on Steam and it's currently downloading. I cannot wait to get home after work and play. Any tips on where to begin? Maybe just the top three things I should do first as a new player.



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