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Everything posted by Kylekov

  1. Buckle up everyone, we are about to kick it into gear again, everything is about to get bluuuuurrrry
  2. This is crazy, I didn't think we were gonna make it to 300, now 400 is seeming inevitable and really really soon...
  3. The server migration page is KILLING me!
  4. We have been averaging over a page a minute for 90 minutes...
  5. Do you have a death wish or something???
  6. How am I supposed to celebrate without a machete???
  7. I am not getting rick rolled today. If the you tube link ends with: dQw4w9WgXcQ DON'T CLICK IT!
  8. Oh right, that makes sense. Can I have it back?
  9. WOA! I thought we had to check our weapons to get onto the Hype Train? They took my machete...
  10. Half way through reading this I had already grabbed my pitch fork. But it's cool... You can stay.
  11. I feel like all the hype threads finally merged. I don't see the countdown thread anymore. MOAR BOOSTERS!
  12. In 30 minutes we have done 45 pages...
  13. The active users count just went down!!! MOAR HYPE!
  14. I was 1 freaking post off!! DANG YOU POWDERCAT!!!!
  15. We are going to break the Hype record! It's rapidly approaching!
  16. I love that you post and then instantly can't find what page you posted on! Super Hype!
  17. Two hundred and ninety pages, record closing in!! HYPE HYPE HYPE, CHOO CHOOOOOOO
  18. Throw him off the train quick! He's slowing us down.
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