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Core Xii

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Posts posted by Core Xii

  1. I started a new sandbox game, started with a mk1 pod, slapped Engineer7500 on it and started building; adding parts (stock only, though I do have mods installed; looking at the craft file, at least KAS adds some modules), altering staging, switching reference bodies, mostly between Kerbin, Mun and atmosphere/no. 10 minutes later, KER froze. Craft file.

    I have a thought. If you build a rocket large enough (not really large at all by my standards, see craft file above) with one reference body, then switch to another reference body, KER will hiccup for maybe half a second calculating the values. If at this point in time, before KER shows the updated new values for the switched reference body, you switch reference body again, it freezes. I think that's what caused it on this test at least.

    There may be a separate bug that has the same effect, though, since I've had this freeze while adding parts as well. (though you may have fixed that one, don't know)

  2. Version is now available!

    This new version potentially fixes the bug where KER stops updating. I didn't have much to go on for this fix, so hopefully I've squashed the right bug :)

    Not fixed. All I had to do was load a simple old rocket, look at it for a while and KER froze a minute later. Browsing the reference bodies, for example, doesn't switch TWR display. It just stops updating and displays data from a point in time in the past.

  3. The reason suggested making them still clickable with a warning about needing research is that if you just gray them out, you'll still have just as many posts but they'll be about why they're grayed out instead of missing. But if the player gets feedback from the UI as to why he2zhe can't click then they'll be less likely to come here and ignore 69,105 posts explaining that he had to research.

    A simpler approach is to add a text at the bottom which reads "science unlocks more options", or something to that effect. Doesn't take as much space.

  4. Does it matter where MechJeb is on the craft, as long as it's pointed in the right direction?

    It doesn't matter where it is, nor what direction it's pointing. I often mount it sideways to avoid the antenna clipping. MechJeb uses the part that is 'controlled from here' (root part by default, overridden manually by right-clicking a part and pressing the appropriate button and automatically by entering IVA) as the direction vector for its behavior.

    If your rocket irrationally flips out at inconsistent altitudes during ascent, it's likely a problem with not enough reaction wheels or control surfaces.

  5. Bug report: If a stage consists of nothing but a solid fuel booster, the Engineer chip doesn't calculate delta V for that stage. If I add any part with resources on it, like a small battery or fuel tank, dV is calculated.

    Feature request: When designing a rocket, I aim for some specific amount of delta V for each stage. Since the Engineer chip calculates dV for each stage, finding a configuration of parts that produces the desired amount is easy. However, there are different configurations of parts that give approximately equal dV, but have wildly different mass. Since these stages are often followed by subsequent launch stages below, their weight does matter. What I'd like is a column that displays delta V per mass for each stage. With that, I'd be able to search for the lightest configuration of parts that gives me the desired dV. For example, if two distinct sets of parts both give 2000 m/s dV, but one weighs 4 tons while the other 3, I'd be able to conveniently pick the more efficient one, ~667 dV/m compared to 500.

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