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Everything posted by Theadictablock

  1. Hi i have just got into kerbal after watching Hoc gaming i went off it when i first got it cause i had like 0.1 fps. But i fixed it i have had 2 successful launches so far. When i say successful i mean get into space. 1 is in orbit of kerbin at a very strange angle and the other is in a very large orvit of Kerbol (sun). At least they were only probes. Hope to play some more an be more skillful. BYE !_!
  2. I was in a atmospheric plane and was seconds from space when i remembered that plane engines need air. It started splutering and i lost control of the ship. It went into a spiraling desent back down to kerbin. i almost got control of it when g-force ripped of one of the wings. There wasnt a parachute. R.I.P A kerbal that had a wierd name that i cant remember. i wil give a pic later Also i made Jebidah look SCARED... p.s. i have alot of lag on Kerbin i dont know about anywhere else because ive not been there ive not even got to space.
  3. For all pixel artists who like ksp.
  4. has anyone made a tower that goes from the surface of the mun kerbin ect to space.
  5. Thanks i should of remembered a probe. Thanks i use the idea for a base of some sort. Bye
  6. i didnt know this one posted cause i wasnt signed in then signed in and ther wasnt aything there on my other one i remembered to put probe in.. Thanks once i get it i will use it for a mun base or winter ..... oh you know what i mean
  7. I dont have the game yet but plan on getting it. I have one question if you had satellite,station,rocket in orbit of kerbin could your drop something like a fuel tank with a parachute and a docking port. 1 would it refill anything that it docks to, and also would i have to put a probe on it .
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