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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Who cares? Youre really going to stop playing a sandbox game because there is an update that will ruin your save? I cant tell you how many hundreds of hours I put into multiplayer maps in minecraft only to have them break with updates. It didnt matter to me because it was fun to start over. It is the same way with KSP. All I need is memories and screenshots. Old saved games have very little value.
  2. Here is my big, not very functional rover that I de-orbited onto the south pole: heres the original without photoshop:
  3. I herd you liek asparagus Idk why photobucket resizes stuff so poorly, but I posted it on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=163666935
  4. As far as steam games go, I have 106 hours in CS:S and 84 hours in CS:GO, followed by KSP at 57 hours. Ive only been playing KSP for a month or two though, so I suspect it will be up at number one eventually. Outside of steam, I know Ive put hundreds of hours into Minecraft since I started playing it back in Beta 1.2, and 100+ hours in a couple old playstation/playstion2 games. Ive played through Persona 3 a few times, and thats 80+ hours each time. Ive played trough Final fantasy VII many, many times. At one point I put an ungodly amount of time into Grand Turismo 4...
  5. Blender is probably the best free software, but it is certainly not the easiest to use.
  6. This is awesome, I didnt realize that was possible. Do you know if the physics engine responds to the pitch of the propeller, or is it just a generic amount of lift for the models that make it up?
  7. A little photomanipulation I worked on last night. Maybe one day this game will have this level of detail in the textures and terrain. Higher res version can be found on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=159733081 Feel free to give me a thumbs up if you like it
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