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  1. after attempting and realizing my fault I take back my initial claim. Yesterday I was looking at orbital speed- not surface speed. needless to say, I did get the two engine two intake plane to 2256 m/s. A noob mistake, if there ever was one!
  2. Yesterday I had a plane up to 2600 m/s at 40km. two intakes two engines. I'll try to replicate it's flight.
  3. It was just a typical encounter for a first timers attempt at SSTO spaceplanes- put to picturez. Yeah, I'll agree it's a bit fast to the point. Back when I was starting with space planes I would always be these long drawn out take-offs and flights to cruise altitude. Sadly before I engaged the LFE the Jets would flame out resulting in immediate catastrophe. All in all it was fun to make a few drawings. I haven't really sketched any planes by hand in a long while.
  4. Here is a short comic strip I made. It's sort of sad, but I'll let you be the judge!
  5. Are you opposed to other people's drawings of their debris ? I'm digging this format, and the photos remind me of my style of pencil and pen drawings. . Though I have debris counter set low to avoide lag around ksc, I would enjoy sketching some scenes I particularly remember.
  6. I'm planning on entering the competition. While fooling around I discovered time warping x3/x4 makes the cars handle like Jebediah just watched Fast n' Furious Tokyo Drift.... Future plans for drifter races maybe? Just a thought.
  7. To imbed the Imgur images: I create an album, make it horizontal layout. In the URL http:/ /imgur. com /a/3rr4rq-84 make [ IMGUR ] 3rr4rq [/imgUR] see if that helps!
  8. Thanks an awfully familiar looking ship... I would say It's the more versatile of the ships between your's and mine. It looks cool with the blue tanks!
  9. Holy cow! I think I may have needed more than 48 parachutes.....
  10. This is the third consecutive 'shuttle' challenge that I've entered in this last week. Even before the first one I had developed a shuttle launch system. Through the previous two challenges I've continuously found reason to refine and tweak the design. The latest version of this series of challenges brings about the most recent design. I present, for your consideration, 'Shuttle 3'.
  11. Just make it overly nose heavy, place the CG about one jet engine length ahead of your center of lift. It won't turn well, but it is stable at mach 5
  12. Decided the non-air breathing category needed more entries. Naturally I just take a Huge rocket engine to altitude and ride it like a motorcycle. I give you, the "Krotch Rocket" .... there is a letter 'k' in the name, so it's funny! 2,315 m/s not beating the record, but almost beating it. (Even so, the current leader's aircraft is just too cool to look at to be beaten by this thing)
  13. I do have screen shots, and will post them here. I only used three ships to get the asteroid where it was. my fourth one (a ship with two mainsails and support fuel ) was on a rendezvous course. The last ship I launched was going to be used to go a plane change and get the asteroid at 0 degrees above equator. The ship I planned next would provide additional fuel for precision(ish) targeted de-orbit burn. Odds are i would have dragged it to the space center.
  14. It's done: yeah there is a boat load of photos. A boat carrying boat boat load. 73 images. Much happened, but a lot of it is because i'm not sure which orbit you count as your scoring orbits so I kept track of all my maneuvers the best I could. Awards are: The Piggyback Distinction The Squad Distinction The Highflier Distinction The Ares Distinction The Constellation Distinction The Ace Distinction and up for debate.... The Certified Badass Distinction? I land at night at the abandoned airport.... not really bad-ass, but still not the most easy thing to do... Ship is called "shuttle 2" Let me know what else it needs. For the mean time the shuttle will remain parked at the island.
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