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Everything posted by Ohfive30

  1. I hope to update this eventually, but I've been very busy lately so haven't been working on the mod. at the moment only the ranger 25 has a custom IVA, all the others are pre-existing one from within KSP.
  2. That's a fair enough comment, perhaps some of the future stuff I'm planning will be more to your liking. I'm planning to turn the blue escape pod concept into a series of parts for a small shuttle. I'm also planning a series of parts to create a cargo carrying SSTO craft, I'm intending to make these all a bit cleaner, less worn and dirty. I'll probably release them as separate packs too. thanks for sharing your opinion tho.
  3. TheCardinal, Can I recommend you download the mod here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/49965-0-22-Random-Parts-Mod and after unzipping, just delete the part folders you don't want out of "../Gamedata/RandomParts/Parts" the one you'll want to keep is the "cockpit_ranger25" folder. you'll also need to keep the spaces folder to get the IVA.
  4. I had a quick look on google and saw this tutorial http://vegastrike.sourceforge.net/wiki/HowTo:Radiosity_baking_in_Blender If you're just after the shadowing effect this gives, then have a look around for tutorials on Baking Ambient Occlusion to Texture, as that will achieve a similar end result. if you're looking to bake lighting or direct cast shadows then have a look for tutorials on Baking Shadows, as according to the blender 2.6 manual baking shadows will do lighting and shadows. http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.6/Manual/Render/Bake
  5. I have to say, I'm really looking forward to trying this shuttle out, I love the design and the texturing of it. Great work.
  6. Updated! The mod has been updated, here's some of the additions, head to http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/49965-Random-Parts-Mod-0-14 for the downlaod.
  7. Updated! The mod has been updated, here's some of the additions, head to the OP on page 1 for download links. Enjoy!
  8. I think it may just be the name of your animation. I noticed that in the cfg parameters, the animationName is Deploy, but in your unity screenshot, the animation is called Take 001. I'd rename the Unity animation to Deploy and see what happens.
  9. Like a lot of people, I find myself trying to be more efficient. I also pay more attention to weights and numbers of parts, and I plan my missions more now too. I've kept my current lander for 1 minmus and 2 mun landings, improving it and the launch vehicle each time. It's so much more fun having this career mode .
  10. Here's a bit of an update as it's been a while since I posted one. this is the model of the Ranger 25 IVA there's some screenshots of it in-game in the first post.
  11. i had a similar problem once, It turned out to be some sort of error causing the exporter to stop before it exported the textures. have look at the concole once you've hit the write button for your part and see if there's an error, if so, that's probably the reason the textures aren't being written. Once you sort out what's causing the exporter to give an error then it should write everything, texture included. the errors get shown in the console tab which is in the bottom pane on a standard unity layout.
  12. here's some info on bringing in a greyscale image and having it work as a normal map, you have to specify some conversion settings in the texture importer http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/Manual/HOWTO-bumpmap.html is that the process you're going through? I'd never used the conversion of bump to normal in xNormal before so I thought I'd give it a try, I used the Height Map to Normal Map option in the tool section. The bump was a medium grey with some black lines for indents and some white lines for raised detail. you can see the result of the normal map generation. I wouldn't expect white areas to be coming out yellow unless they're defining a detail at a strange angle to the surface. I've yet to try this workflow in unity/KSP but from what I've seen previously in other normal maps I've done, putting this normal map into the bump texture slot of a KSP material would give a reasonable result.
  13. I'm not sure if you got this solved or not yet. but for future reference a bump map is not the same as a normal map. while a bump map is simply a greyscale image to show height off a surface, a normal map is an RGB image, normal maps look quite purple when you look at them. there are programs that will convert a bump map to a normal map, I think xNormal64 is a free one that does it. as far as the artifacts around the door, to me that looks like JPG artifacting from a highly compressed JPG, that may be unity causing that in the conversion, alternately look at your bump map and see if there's similar artifacts in that. You siad you use PNG and then unity saves as MBM, I've been using PNG and saving as TGA compressed, and I haven't had any sort problems so far. In the end it may just be a result of unity trying to interpret a greyscale image as a normal map.
  14. Thanks for letting me know this, I've never used module manager before so I did know this was an issue. I'll probably change the existing parts names for the next release, although that's going to break any ships people have with them on already. I'll make sure any future parts don't have spaces or underscores in the "name = . . . ." section of the part cfg.
  15. Thanks for letting me know Gristle, I'll fix it now ready for the next release. It must have been a victim of cut and paste There will be some adapters with the next release, I promise
  16. They don't have custom IVAs yet, but that is pretty much the next thing on my list for the mod.
  17. Random Parts Mod A collection of Rover, Spacecraft and Aircraft Command pods and Cockpits. Current Release 0.14 for KSP .22 This mod is released under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported The full details of which can be found here Download Dropbox / .zip"]Or Here Development Thread Development thread, including progress on additions and some Sketchfab views of the models Current Readme Info: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- KNOWN BUGS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Kerbals may sometimes pop out of hatches at speed . . this is annoying * The tripod solar panels can be hard to select due to collision mesh overlap, I recommend assigning them to an action group. * Torque settings may be too high on some command pods due to copy & Paste Let me know if you find this the case and which pods I need to revisit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUGGESTIONS & BUG REPORTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I can be contacted via PM in the Kerbal Space Program forums (username: Ohfive30) and am open to any suggestions and bug reports you may have. The Development & Progress Thread is at: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/41700-WIP-PARTS-Random-Parts-Mod keep an eye on it to see what's still to be done and what additions are coming The original concepts by Wanner 364 are at: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/41072-New-ideas-and-Concept-art-for-those-who-can-build-it%21-Write-a-review%21%21-%29 The great concepts and sketches that inspired me to start the mod in the first place. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE LOG ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.14 - - Changed the mass of the flightline Mk 1 and Mk 2 to 0.8 and 0.7 respectively, this makes them a viable alternative for the Command Pod Mk 1. - Added an Adaptor for the Ranger 25 to go to twin 1.25m parts, it contains electricity - Added an IVA for the Ranger 25 - Added the V-Spike Alpha, a toroidal aerospike style engine, it sits between the LV-909 and Toroidal Aerospike in power. it is also thrust vectored and has an alternator - Added the R.E.H.A.N. Booster Engine, a 2.5m diameter nuclear engine, slightly better ISP than the LV-N and 4x the power. it is however, very heavy. - Added the Inline Ram-Air intake it takes in a bit more air than the standard Ram-Air intake, but it's a 1.25m Inline Part, so it's easier to stack. - All parts are available in career mode once the appropriate tech has been unlocked. 0.13 - - Added a license to the mod as required by the KSP forums (see license.txt) - renamed most parts to remove underscores and spaces from the name, this allows easier use of mods like modulemanager to add FAR data etc. to the parts file. (my sincere apologies for anyone already using these parts, this may stop some of your ships loading) - Added an adaptor for the Ranger 25 to go to a 2.5 Part 0.12 - - First Public Release - Added lights to Flightline Mk 2 - Added lights to Explorer Mk 1 - Added lights to Ranger 25 - Adjusted torque settings for some command pods internal reaction wheels 0.11 - - Limited release for testing containing the following command pods - Ranger 25 - Tripod (+ conformal Solar Panel) - Flightline MK1 - Flightline MK2 - Explorer Mk1 - Homepod - Millenium X2
  18. As far as I Know, you can't specify the center of mass, I think to keep track of where it is the best thing you can do is import your model to unity with it's pivot centered (not sure what program you use, but in maya there's a center pivot command), that way 0,0,0 should be pretty much your center of mass, and you can align the thrust transforms up to that. perhaps another thing you can do to make it easier to get the thrust evened out is have a single thrust transform, and then just have several fx definitions if you've got several boosters. I'm abot to spend the evening putting the lights on the command pods I've done so if i come across any other info on the center of mass I'll let you know.
  19. there's some information on it here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25013-Compilation-of-modding-information-links-for-0-19-20-21-Last-updated-3rd-September I haven't looked at the interior tutorials yet myself, but I hope to start on them as soon as I solve my problem with obstructed hatches. I can help with the thrusters and rcs and docking etc if you want.
  20. Those escape vessels are looking pretty cool. as far as doing the insides and having a transparent window, I don't know if it'd be a big performance hit or not, perhaps give yourself a polygon limit to stick to, say 2k or 3k and see how it goes. and also, as I understand it, multiple materials can affect performance in a big way, so try and keep the interior using the same UV/Texture space as the exterior. that way you can use the same material. maybe there's another mod out there that has interiors showing that you could check out and see if it has any performance issues, I did see one with clear helicopter style cockpits, but i think they may have been like an EVA cockpit or something.
  21. Awesome, thanks for these lighting tips sumghai, I was a little bit stuck on where to start with the lights I need to put in, this will help greatly.
  22. I'm bumping this thread in the hope of getting a bit more help. After getting the hatches working on 2 of my models, the other 4 I've now done don't work, I'm continually getting "hatch is obstructed" message, it seems no matter what I try in terms of positioning I can't get it working, not only that but the steps that worked for me on the first two models no longer seem to bring any results, I've checked and double checked triggers, layers, convex flag for the colliders it all seems to be correct, but alas, it's not working, and I've spent more than a few hours now adjusting positioning of the colliders trying to get them to work. I would like to know if anyone else has had lots of trouble getting their hatches to work. I'd also like to know if someone would be willing to have a look at the unity files for my models and see if they can get the hatches working.
  23. I'd love to see some of these concepts rendered the way you've done your other artwork. Some of the models are already built & textured as a mod that's a work in progress, so if there's any of those that would be useful to you then let me know, and i can send them through to you. here's the thread. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/41700-WIP-PARTS-Random-Parts-Mod
  24. I love the second version of the emergency escape capsule, it looks awesome, I can't wait to start putting that into the mod. I'm determined to get the current models textured first though, I've just finished the explorer cockpit (the yellow one) and I'm planning to start the texture for the triangular pod tonight as long as i don't spend too long getting the explorer working correctly in-game.
  25. I've never done the internals before, but I've seen there's a few tutorials out there on it. It's going to be a while until I get on to modelling and texturing any internals for these models so there's no rush for the internals I've now done the texture for the flightline mk2. it's in the screenshots imgur gallery on the first post.
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