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  1. Hi guys! The title of this challenge is Project Epsilon. The idea is complete control of the solar system by the United States of Kerbmerica, admistered by the Kerbol Space Program in 4 stages. For each completed stage by a participant, a rank will be awarded and their names added to the list of stage completion. STAGE 1 Establish scientific research in the solar system: Put a probe with all the scientific sensors in orbit around every planet or moon in the solar system (100 pts) *mandatory for stage 1 completion optional: Put a research rover on a planet or moon (25 pts/per rover) *only one rover per celestial body counts for points STAGE 2 Establish Kerbmerican military authority around the solar system: Have a stock light battle cruiser or fighter (with atleast one functional weapon & manned) in orbit around Eve, Kerbin, Duna, and Laythe (100pts) optional: add MOAR military! 25 points for each additional planet or moon with military presence optional: BIGGAR military! 50 points for every large military vessel anywhere interplanetary! (e.g., a large battleship, a carrier, a command ship, etc.) STAGE 3 There are 3 privately owned space initiatives who would like to subcontract their engineering, piloting, and mission control to KSP. For each contract that you complete, 100 points will be awarded. At least 1 contract must be completed to complete stage 3. Contract #1: Brickden Mining Corp. 50 points per mining vessel mission and return, mission comprises of landing on a planet with the mining vessel, and returning to Kerbol Space Center with the (yes, imaginary) resources. Mining vessel must have a hitchhiker storage container for the resources, and be of a medium size (loose interpretation, just dont make this think ridiculously small, and give it enough delta v that it could transport the resources) Contract #2: Space Journey Travel Inc. Simply put, take at least 1 hitchhiker storage container with 3 Kerbals on a tour of as much of the solar system as you can. All Kerbals must return to Kerbol Space Center alive. For entering Mun or Minmus SOI, 10 points For entering the SOI of any interplanetary celestial body, 25 points For landing on any celestial body, 50 points Contract #3: ET Awareness Group Inc. Looking for signs of extra terrestial life, probes must have at least 3 Communotron 88-88's (5 points per additional 88-88's per probe), and one Communotron 16 for relaying information back to Kerbol Space Center. For each probe orbiting Kerbin, 10 points For each probe orbiting the Sun, 25 points For each probe orbiting the Sun in an orbit with a apoapsis and periapsis past that of Eeloo's apoapsis, 50 points. STAGE 4 Colonization of the Solar System (100 pts) For every grounded colony of 3 or more Kerbols on the Mun or Minmus, 10 points For every grounded colony or 3 or more Kerbols on any interplanetary celestial body, 50 points Must have at least 3 colonies on separate celestial bodies to complete this stage For completion of all four stages, and therefore completion of Project Epsilon, 500 points and ridiculous bragging rights shall be awarded.
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