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Everything posted by slims_s

  1. I do that too! Another advantage, if using FAR, is that it reduces the drag of the rocket (don't have exact Cd numbers but it raised after jettisoning the LES)
  2. Has anyone been able to do anything regarding the "Text Entry" bug? The Flight Computer in RemoteTech 2 cannot be used due to the return key not registering properly with the text entry fields, and then there's the bug where text is not properly captured by the text fields (for example in RT2 and MJ2) and triggers action groups, staging, etc (REALLY annoying). Nobody seems to care about the open bug: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/1230
  3. I'd really like to try this mod, but i'm having the same issues as reported some days ago (in Linux). Sometimes my game crashes when it goes into the editor (with StretchyTanks installed), and it crashes all times i try to select a stretchytank from the part list. Is there anything we can provide to the mod creator in order to try to troubleshoot this? I'm using Fedora 19 with the 64-bit build of the game.
  4. I assume you watch Top Gear? Really good models dude!
  5. I finally got it working in Fedora Core 19 by running ag's fix (linked a few pages back). However, i got a MapSat satellite on orbit and it starts generating the map. Then i get out of the flight (without ending it). When i go back to the flight and activate the scanning again (clicking "SCN"), nothing happens the scanning is never resumed. Am I doing something wrong? This just happened with 2 different flights. The final probe was 4 RCS thrusters, a stackable RCS tank, one solar panel, one OKTO and one stackable battery. Thanks!
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