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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Love, love, love this mod. Really makes shuttles and tanker based launches a snap. Great job on the recent version.
  2. Sorry, I don't post on the forums much so I had to trial by fire.
  3. My daughter and I were out eating dinner tonight and we saw a talented balloon artist that seemed to be able to make anything. As I had a moment of his time, I asked him if he had ever been asked to do a Kerbal.... After I turned my back and not being surprised (why should I have been, one day Kerbals will be a household name) he pulled his phone out and said "Is this one"? Promptly began pulling orange balloons from his bag, then black all while my daughter and I sat and watched. I thought to myself, he might actually pull it off. After it was complete, we looked at each other and smiled over his accomplishment. Finding my wife elsewhere in the restaurant, her first words were "ITS JEB!" I just wanted to share this... I hope it puts a big smile on your face as it did ours.
  4. taniwha, You may be correct but unfortunately the time it took me to test the situation exhausted my night. After the root items self destructed, I checked the logs (F3) and they said they impacted with the Mun. So something strange is coming into play. Perhaps once I learn to edit the saved files and find ways to place things around the Mun without the EL mod installed would be a good control. It was sad because the first ship that exploded was a Mun bus transferring 10 Kerbal's, it was a massacre.
  5. So I have covered this thread quite well and aside from changing the ‘SpawnHeightOffset’ to 12 like recommended to another user, I’m not seeing a lot of resolution to the strange explosion of the root component. So I would have been happy with the 12 meter drop to get my rovers where I want them but something strange is happening as I bring addition “pad spawned†items. As I launch a rover, I will let it drop and then roll it 200 meters away for safe distance. As I launch a different rover and roll it over to the other awaiting craft, the root items destructs as the come close, ~100 m. I don’t seem to have this issue at my other Launchpad on the Mun, just the one over my Kethane field I want to build a base on. I hope to find out more on this issue.
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