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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Staging is active during RCS docking control. When you switch to the docking/rcs controle on the ship, it can only go into the first mode, which rotates the ship on all axis, however if you then press space to switch the mode to get direction control in all axis it switches the little indicator light on the bottum left, doesnt change to the direction modus and stages the ship. Unless there has been a big change in how the rcs control works, that i am not aware of, i dont think it should happen. Love the update btw!! grtz
  2. I love KSP, and i wanted to show a friend, he downloaded the demo. he made it of the planet, into orbit and eventualy to the mun. but he could not land anything. more smashing than landing, up until the point of epic frustration:( Maybe a idea to put in a landing tutorial in the demo/game? its the hardest thing to work out if you dont know how it works. doesnt have to be a super landing, but enough to get the idea of how to do it. I had the same problem when i started, but i used mechJeb, and only then did i understand what i was doing, and how to land manualy. Grtz and cant wait for .22 MuckRatz
  3. turns out, ASAS cant hold direction on its own, to do that you need a advanced stabiliser. They changed how it works. SAS alone is not enough to keep the ships on course (drifting of course)
  4. agree, the it feels like flyin without asas however, i to love the new version!
  5. [Operating System]: Windows 8 [Memory]: 8GB [ASAS Trouble (Y/N)]: yes [Mods installed, pre-patch]: Mechjeb [Mods installed, post-patch]: None, deleted all files then reinstalled (steam) [Description of problem (keep it short)]: Heading drifts like there is no sas on, however when stabilizer is added the drifting goes away. afther i found this out no more problems.
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