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Everything posted by Uzza

  1. My motivation for working on this has faded away because of the lack of support and feedback from the rest of the community. But I'll see if there's anything special that needs to be done for it to be 0.90 compatible. Edit: A small change was needed. I've uploaded a new version to bitbucket, link is in first post. Entry on KerbalStuff is also updated.
  2. First, I would have appreciated it if you would have notified me in my thread for Addon Controller. If I don't know about bugs, I can't fix them. Secondly, I just installed KW Rocketry to a clean install with Addon Controller, but I do not see this issue happening at all. I do not do any changes to any parts, so I can't see how Addon Controller could possibly affect KW Rocketry, which is a part pack. What version of Addon Controller did you have, and did you toggle any mods while using it and having this issue?
  3. You're welcome. I added it to the OP. Since some mods work by disabling part modules, but I don't have time to test all mods, it would be nice if everyone that uses my mod could post what mods they use that can be disabled and which can't. It would be a great help to expanding supported list.
  4. I've added it just now. You can find it here. I would guess that NEAR, just as with FAR, uses both part modules and standalone mod code to do it's work. Ferram commented in the FAR thread on November 1st that it's not possible to add support because of how FAR works, and I'd imagine the same goes for NEAR. So there's no support for it unfortunately.
  5. There are already mod managers available for kerbal, but having to exit the game is one of the things I wanted to avoid as I wanted to be able to seamlessly switch between saves with different mods ingame.
  6. Just a bump, as I have now implemented support for disabling part modules, which was the last thing needed to fully support disabling addons.
  7. This release is a bit late because I was doing other stuff, but here it is. This release adds support for disabling part modules, which is the missing puzzle for being able to support disabling all aspects of mods. For this reason the version number has now been bumped up to 1.0. As usual the new release can be found here or in the first post.
  8. I could do that, but since textures are loaded when the game starts, you need to restart the game to remove the textures. It would load a bit faster depending on the amount of parts disabled though.
  9. What form do you suggest this list would take. A list ingame, exported to a file, or through the API?
  10. I haven't looked at them, but it could be that those DLLs only contain PartModule classes, and not KSPAddon classes. When I looked at FAR, it seemed to be centered around part modules. Handling part modules is on my to-do list. Need to see if there's a way to remove them from parts on the fly, or if I need a solution like the API for addons.
  11. New version (0.5) has been released. This release adds a warning dialog when loading a game and there are vessels in active flight with disabled parts. The affected parts are activated to prevent the vessels from despawning, though it's possible to ignore this warning the next time the save is loaded, unloading the vessels when viewing them, most quickest by opening tracking station. This does not prevent vessels from despawning when the parts were removed from the GameData folder entirely.
  12. It is designed to be a whitelist, only allowing what you explicitly allow. Automatically adding means reversing the logic to be a blacklist, with the consequence that you'd have to remove new unwanted parts from all saves, instead of only adding what you want when you want it.
  13. I also think it's something that should be in the stock game, though it's impossible to enforce mods to comply to being disabled. I should be able to prevent you accidentally loosing your fleet though. I could look through the save file and compile a list of all parts used on vessels. If I detect parts that are no longer included, I could just include all and warn about the discrepancy. It seems there was a bug in my plugin where it did not load any parts when starting a new game, since the whitelist is empty. I tested with Part Catalog and it seems to work now. I've uploaded a new version again. Download is here, and op post updated.
  14. Good that it works. But I'm not sure what you mean with the other part. Can you explain?
  15. Sounds strange, had no issues with that. Did see some things I could optimize though for when there's no saved games, like not showing some parts of the UI. Please tell me if it works better now. Download here. Also updated first post.
  16. A thing to remember is that if you change specific styles, like for example GUI.skin.label = HighLogic.Skin.label, it can have the side effect of changing the style on other windows than just yours. I accidentally changed the style of the window of another mod because of this because I wanted some styles to remain the standard ones. To avoid that I did this: public void OnGUI() { this.InitializeStyles(); this.window = GUILayout.Window(258648, this.window, this.OnWindow, Texts.MainWindowTitle, HighLogic.Skin.window) } private void InitializeStyles() { if (!this.stylesInitialized) { this.stylesInitialized = true; this.guiSkin = new GUISkin { button = GUI.skin.button, label = HighLogic.Skin.label, toggle = HighLogic.Skin.toggle // And so on, including all styles you want }; } } private void OnWindow(int id) { GUI.skin = this.guiSkin; //Do GUI stuff.... GUI.skin = null; }
  17. The inheritance chain can keep going in infinity, however at some point you will have such a deep hierarchy that any calls to a member causes a stackoverflow error. Since the Test function first prints A, then checks if it's B and then prints, and finally checks if it's C and prints, it's output will be: //OUTPUT // I'm A // I'm also B // It's a me, C!
  18. I personally wouldn't call WinRAR bloat. It's a very useful piece of archiving software. People obviously have different opinions on that though.
  19. There are no conversions of any sort that happens that removes data when you cast a reference type to it's base type. It is just that while it has been casted it will no longer appear to be what it actually is unless you cast it back again. During runtime however, it will always be the same object. Information is never lost. public class A { public string Name = "I'm A"; } public class B : A { public string OtherName = "I'm also B"; } public class C : A { public string SpecialName = "It's a me, C!"; } public static void Test() { var listA = new List<A>(); listA.Add(new A()); listA.Add(new B()); listA.Add(new C()); foreach (var item in listA) { Console.Write(item.Name); var theB = item as B; if (theB != null) { Console.WriteLine(theB.OtherName); } if (item is C) { Console.WriteLine(((C)item).SpecialName); } } } // OUTPUT: // I'm A // I'm A // I'm also B // I'm A // It's a me, C! This is called Polymorphism, and is a very important part of object-oriented programming. I can recommend reading about it, Microsofts MSDN article on the topic is a good start.
  20. That was the problem, I couldn't actually do that, and EVE was actually the first one I noticed it on. This is one of the reasons that I've now moved away from altering the addon loading process, and now doing a purely API driven approach. The support will be much easier, as then it's just a case of if the mod supports toggling by checking it's state. The API is currently just a function that takes an addon type and returns a boolean that indicates if it has been disabled, so it shouldn't be that difficult to update a mod around that.
  21. You don't need to keep two separate lists. As they're the same base class, you can just replace the entry in the CrewRoster list with your new object. The game would be none the wiser, and you now have the CrewRoster full of your expanded objects. A thing to remember though is that if you do this, it could be in conflict with other mods that replace the entries in the CrewRoster list.
  22. There's no way to add new members to an existing object unless you use ExpandoObject, but that only exists in .Net 4.0 and onwards. One option though looks to be to create a subclass of ProtoCrewMember, and then use the ProtoCrewMember(ProtoCrewMember copyOf) constructor to duplicate the existing ProtoCrewMember object, and then replace the old one with the new instance. public class MyNewCrewMember : ProtoCrewMember { public MyNewCrewMember(KerbalType type) : base(type) { } public MyNewCrewMember(ProtoCrewMember copyOf) : base(copyOf) { } public MyNewCrewMember(ConfigNode node, KerbalType crewType = KerbalType.Crew) : base(node, crewType) { } public void FanceMethod() { } } var oldCrewMember = this.GetOldCrewMember(); var myShinyNewCrewMember = new MyNewCrewMember(oldCrewMember); this.ReplaceOldCrewMemberWithNew(oldCrewMember , myShinyNewCrewMember ); myShinyNewCrewMember.FancyMethod(); I have not tried this though, and only suggest it based on the existence of the ProtoCrewMember(ProtoCrewMember copyOf) constructor.
  23. Ah, now I see what you mean. When you click on parts the first time, I build the node tree if it doesn't exist, and then cache it. I'll see if there's some optimizations I can make to speed up the process of building it. Edit: DOH! Found the performance problem, and it was quite obvious actually. I sorted the tree every time a new node was added to it, which if adding for example 300 nodes builds up to a substantial amount of time. Changed it to sort only after the entire tree is complete, and the issue is gone! Edit 2: Did some more optimizations in general in the UI trying to reduce the rendering time, allowing even more parts to be shown at once in the list. I've uploaded a new version.
  24. I did not know that, which might be because my machine is not half-bad. What does your machine look look like, and roughly how many parts do you have installed? Also, is it slow immediately or after you expand a few nodes? I didn't, but I've added it. Zip is here. I've also added it to first post.
  25. I'm really happy to hear that. Thanks. If there are any addons you'd want to see have support for being togglable, please ask their developers if they can add support. The more that are on board, the better this will be.
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