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Everything posted by Zack

  1. Since the new mun I hit things in even a 4k orbit. Can we revive this and find the new highest point?
  2. Wow thanks for the great attempts guys I will do my own soon I think
  3. Quick! Deorbit and land as fast as possible! Standard parachute escape pods are too mainstream, and slow! We need to get Jeb home as fast as possible! Because he needs surgery, or is being dropped into battle, or something! Objective: Make a drop pod that can go from a stable orbit to a safe(ish) landing as fast as possible. Rules: 1. 100% Stock 2. You can use hyper edit or a similar mod to get the craft into orbit. (But no mods after that) 3. The orbit has to be stable before you start your time. (Not in-atmosphere at periapsis or escape trajectory) 4. Minimum crew of 1. (No droids) 5. Cannot be in EVA at landing. (Rover seats are OK) 6. Taking advantage of aerodynamic bugs is frowned upon. (No magical canard turbines) It's OK 7. The kerbal has to be able to get out (EVA) after he lands. 8. You can't land in water 9. You must land no more than 200m above sea level Bonus Score: Land at KSC Land at high speed and survive Actually thrust downwards to increase speed before slowing down. Repack Parachutes mid-fall Explosive decoupling door (Like in the Halo series) Practical size (You could have multiple of them docked to a space station) Use docking ports Deploy it from a station Remember, your time starts when your periapsis is in atmosphere and ends when you hit the ground. Leader-boards (Time Only) 1. DesertWolf 1:50 2. BahamutoD 2:07 3. 4. 5. Leader-boards (Time+Bonus Points+Coolness) <-- This is subjective obviously but I might assign actual time reduction to the bonus points once I get an idea of how people score. 1. DesertWolf 1:50 (Explosive decoupling door was awesome ) 2. BahamutoD 2:07 (Landed at KSC) (Awesome Explosive Landing) 3. 4. If you could include a nice list of your drop pods features and a download it would be appreciated. Bonus Points for IVA view!
  4. Quick! Get into orbit as fast as you can! Objective: Achieve a stable orbit as fast as possible. Rules: Must be 100% stock. The orbit must be stable (Not In-Atmosphere) The time ends when the periapsis is out of the atmosphere. This is my first forums post Leader boards 1. Metaphor 1:43 2. gm537 1:57 3. 4. 5.
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