Awesome thread! Thanks for sharing your invaluable experience and knowledge! I shiver at the thought of all the Jebediahs, Bobs and Bills who died in the honing of your piloting and engineering skills. But in the end it was all worth it! I haven't designed the "perfect" SSTO and was stuck for quite a while in SPH (Space Plane Hell) trying to get a stable flying object. But redemption came to me suddenly in the form of some keyboard shortcuts! I realized you can use alt key (mod key) + QWEASD to finely trim your pitch/yaw/roll. I guess it kind of turns your keyboard into a joystick. With this technique you don't need a "perfect" spacecraft to reach orbit. At take-off, this allows you to gently bring up your nose and avoid the frenetic headbanging syndrome. And during ascent you can easily keep the desired heading without straining your fingers and your brains too much. No mod required! All stock parts lol! Thx to Scrogdog, I learned about trimming in his thread here >>!