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Everything posted by erikvcarlson

  1. did anyone get this from steam db This app appears to be popular. Are you waiting for an update? Please come to #steamdb-announce on FreeNode and monitor there.
  2. Squads address according to their wbesite Zamora 1956 Condesa, Cuauhtémoc, Ciudad de México, D.F., Mexico
  3. not today according to a post by maxmaps https://twitter.com/Maxmaps/status/489530226930483200
  4. Quote Originally Posted by Ippo You should really read the whole thread. This applies here.
  5. When it finishes uploading... here it is. http://youtu.be/whrwzSdG9tA
  6. Here is an image a video to come. Great Job. Loved the challenge. Mr. Erik
  7. Thank me. I mean you. Very helpful and I finally got the site to work. Night peeps. Me
  8. Hello everyone. I don't know if this is just a problem with me but as off 7/17/13 the Kerbal website has been down since 7/9/13. I have already have check the status.kerbalspaceprogram.com and they say the website is okay. I have check this on multiple devices using different WiFi hot spots and mobile hot spots. Just worried about missing the .21 update. Thanks in advance. Me.
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